Building the marketing site so it's deployable to GPages @virufy. It's statically exported, supports build time image optimization and internationalized routing with App Router.
Currently, all text appears to be hardcoded in the components. It will need to be redesigned to support languages other than English. Use existing webpages in repo to understand how that design pattern is implemented.
Suggested improvements:
remove dependence on Section2 and Section3 components. They are not designed for the purposes of this new codebase and are difficult to reuse given the number of props it manages.
remove usage of the document object for styling in Section2. There are examples of how to style specific text in other webpages that do not explicitly use the document object.
remove useEffect. I don't think it's needed for styling purposes.
Currently, all text appears to be hardcoded in the components. It will need to be redesigned to support languages other than English. Use existing webpages in repo to understand how that design pattern is implemented.
Suggested improvements:
object for styling in Section2. There are examples of how to style specific text in other webpages that do not explicitly use thedocument