geweald / flutter_onfido

Flutter Onfido Plugin
MIT License
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While Launching Onfido SDK Country exception #6

Closed rao21 closed 3 years ago

rao21 commented 3 years ago

While Launching Onfido SDK its shows an exception

W/System.err( 6656): Unexpected countryCode value: [USA] W/System.err( 6656): java.lang.Exception: Unexpected countryCode value. W/System.err( 6656): at com.fluencybank.flutter_onfido.OnfidoSdk.getFlowStepsFromConfig(OnfidoSdk.kt:121) W/System.err( 6656): at com.fluencybank.flutter_onfido.OnfidoSdk.start(OnfidoSdk.kt:34) W/System.err( 6656): at com.fluencybank.flutter_onfido.FlutterOnfidoPlugin.onMethodCall(FlutterOnfidoPlugin.kt:51) W/System.err( 6656): at io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel$IncomingMethodCallHandler.onMessage( W/System.err( 6656): at io.flutter.embedding.engine.dart.DartMessenger.handleMessageFromDart( W/System.err( 6656): at io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterJNI.handlePlatformMessage( W/System.err( 6656): at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method) W/System.err( 6656): at W/System.err( 6656): at android.os.Looper.loop( ]

and country not launch. Last week this works fine with the same code.

Package : flutter_onfido: ^0.1.0

Code: var result = await FlutterOnfido.start( config: OnfidoConfig( sdkToken: token, flowSteps: OnfidoFlowSteps( welcome: false, captureDocument: OnfidoCaptureDocumentStep( countryCode: OnfidoCountryCode.USA, docType: selectedItem == 2 ? OnfidoDocumentType.PASSPORT : OnfidoDocumentType.GENERIC, ), ), ), iosAppearance: OnfidoIOSAppearance(), );

geweald commented 3 years ago

@rao21 thanks for the report, should be fixed in 0.2.1, reopen this issue if needed