gewhiz / testRep

testing for the first Repository
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linkedin #3

Open gewhiz opened 9 years ago

gewhiz commented 9 years ago

singleton并让其thread-safe,还问到了lazy initialiation的和volatile关键字的意义

gewhiz commented 9 years ago

binary tree level order traversal, 写了三种方法。。。(BFS用arraylist,类似 DFS,BFS用queue)


  1. romanToInt, intToRoman, N points, m nearst ones
  2. 双向链表,每个node可能都有父节点和子节点,每个父子节点又是一个链表。把它 拍扁,顺序随意,O(1)空间复杂度 edit distance
  3. system deisign: design amazon product page
  4. project presentation
  5. group fit
gewhiz commented 9 years ago

gewhiz commented 9 years ago


linkedin 有两类用户,普通user和influencer,数据量都很大,写一个类, 要求O(1)的 get(user), set(user, type), getAllInfluencer. 我一开始用两个 hashset,问我有没更好的办法,后来问明白他其实就是想要bitset, 写出搞定

gewhiz commented 9 years ago

gewhiz commented 9 years ago

minimize the cost of painting K houses, each house has different costs to paint in different colors, 2 houses (next to each other) cannot be painted in the same color. DP