gf3 / sandbox

A nifty JavaScript sandbox for Node.js
ISC License
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Why not give some hint (in the documentation) on how it works... ? #24

Closed hopehopehope closed 10 years ago

hopehopehope commented 10 years ago

I have browsed the code of sandbox and I get the idea that somehow we make this sandboxing happening by way of spawing a childprocess which cannot anymore easily access stuff (i.e. I could imagine that there is a case not allowing require("fs") to happen, since this way we can be safer that no modification to files will happen).

Is this proceding of 1) spawn a child process 2) limit its access to privileged stuff (what that is, might be defined, right? i.e. sometimes my sandbox should allow fs reads but no fs.writes, sometimes neither) for the child process.

Actually maybe it is the other way 2) then 1) .... anyway

My suggestion or "issue" would be that it would imho greatly improve the understanding if the documentaiton gave some glue on how this sandboxing is actually achieved. By this it would also allow to seek for potential ways to escape the sandbox, which in turn can then be used to improve the sandbox.

I think sandbox is great!.

gf3 commented 10 years ago

Unfortunately I don't have a lot of spare time to commit to this project. Pull-requests are always welcome!