gf3 / sandbox

A nifty JavaScript sandbox for Node.js
ISC License
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sandbox can be broken out of #29

Open yorickvP opened 10 years ago

yorickvP commented 10 years ago

Using JavaScriptStackTraceApi, it is possible to break out of the sandbox and get full access to the node.js api. Removing Error.captureStackTrace alone does not fix this issue, and I haven't found a pure javascript fix, yet. (freezing Error.prepareStackTrace, maybe?). I have a POC, but am hesitant to release it.

gf3 commented 10 years ago

Ugh. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, @yorickvP. I don't have much time to investigate right now, but if you happen to come across a solution please let me know.

yorickvP commented 10 years ago

In oftn-bot, we ported the sandbox to C++ so that, when it's broken out of, there is no API to go anywhere.

gf3 commented 10 years ago

@yorickvP That makes sense, and is probably the safest route.

asvarga commented 10 years ago

Should I not use this tool to run untrusted js on the server then? Are you working on a fix?

liebig commented 10 years ago

Does this problem still exist?

gf3 commented 10 years ago

Yes—working on a fix right now though. Should be out next week sometime (hopefully).

dashed commented 10 years ago

Noting here that from my findings in, the Error.prepareStackTrace seems to be fixed as of node v0.11.13 with v8 3.25.30. But not node v0.10.28 with v8

dashed commented 10 years ago

@yorickvP out of curiosity, would doing the following still not fix this issue?

delete Error.prepareStackTrace;
delete Error.captureStackTrace;
dashed commented 10 years ago

Hmm. Apparently deleting those functions still doesn't fix the exploit in node v0.10.28.

dashed commented 10 years ago

One could freeze the Error object since an exploit relies on being able to add properties to it:

"use strict";
delete Error.prepareStackTrace;
delete Error.captureStackTrace;

@yorickvP thoughts?

yorickvP commented 10 years ago

Freezing the Error object should work, until someone manages to acquire another Error object (for example using an exposed 'vm' module or iframe), so the sandbox user would have to be a bit careful. The exploit is probably fixed in v0.11 (if they're enforcing no .getThis on callers of strict functions and every part of the user code that calls the sandbox code is strict). I agree with @ndob that porting to C++ would be the best long-term solution.

rosslazer commented 9 years ago


Maybe this is a good time to set up a disclosure policy for this project. I think that you guys should set up a PGP key and have a designated email for vulnerabilities. There might be people using this in production that are being hit with this 0 day because of the disclosure. Just a thought.

GeorgeBailey commented 9 years ago

Does this problem exist for Node 0.12 users?

milesgillham commented 9 years ago

I think the problem exists intrinsically as it stands. You would need to be very careful how you use it in production regardless.

On 2 March 2015 at 13:10, George Bailey wrote:

Does this problem still exist?

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0o-de-lally commented 8 years ago

@gf3 I know you are very busy. Just looking for an update on this. Is this still an issue?

gf3 commented 8 years ago

@keyscores this is still an issue in the current version. as of last year the version of V8 packaged with node was not current enough to implement a secure sandbox, however this may have changed recently. hopefully i'll have some time to investigate in the near future

0o-de-lally commented 8 years ago

@gf3 thanks for maintaining this package. Out of curiosity have you tested this bug happens with vm.runInNewContext as well?

yorickvP commented 8 years ago

AFAIK, the stack traces can't get over a "use strict" function, so that might be a good patch.

yorickvP commented 8 years ago

Looking at the code now, it can still be broken out of because the errors can escape the saferunner and then throw upon inspection (v8 source code solves this by wrapping the inspection in another try-catch block). Best would be to just add a global strict mode, and maybe serialize the errors over JSON too. Note that objects can define a toJSON method for custom JSON serialization just to ruin your day, but I don't think that's a security risk.

0o-de-lally commented 8 years ago

@yorickvP Can you possibly write one/some tests for this? I'm willing to work a bit on this if I have a clear test case in the code.

yorickvP commented 8 years ago

@keyscores I think this catches all of them based on this exploit. The fix is probably some sprinkling with 'use strict' and a backup error handler that doesn't inspect the error object.

0o-de-lally commented 8 years ago

Thanks @yorickvP that's very helpful. I'll work on conforming it to the mocha tests for this repo. Unless you have already?