gfranko / jquery.selectBoxIt.js

A jQuery Select Box Plugin for Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop
MIT License
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Loading over HTTPS #334

Closed ejmcatavolt closed 9 years ago

ejmcatavolt commented 9 years ago

I have migrated my web site to HTTPS and the last nit I can't figure out is that the SelectBoxIt script is not loading since I moved to HTTPS URLs. Since many browsers will not load HTTP content on a HTTPS page, or throw up an annoying dialog, how can I still use this script which is responsible for sizing many of the forms on my website?

Here's the page in question:

Error I'm getting from console: GET net::ERR_TIMED_OUT

When I try to browse to it online, the HTTP comes up instantly. No luck with HTTPS. Do you have any recommendations on how to proceed, or am I doing something wrong?

gfranko commented 9 years ago

You really shouldn't be loading SelectBoxIt from my homepage. You should download the necessary scripts to your web server and host them there.