gfranko / jquery.selectBoxIt.js

A jQuery Select Box Plugin for Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop
MIT License
852 stars 301 forks source link

There is problem with #379

Open ivanhub opened 7 years ago

ivanhub commented 7 years ago

I am using tabs plugin on my site, and one form with SelectBoxIt element is hidden, in this case, if I do jQuery("#myelement").selectBoxIt({... and then click on tab with this element, and there are some bug issues in displaying. But if you run it: jQuery("#myelement").selectBoxIt({ - when element in viewport - then everything is ok. bun when element is hidden (display:none), there is bug. I've made 2 videos with issue:

Now I solve it by call function selectboxit, when I click by second Tab, but this also works only till 3.7.0 version...

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