gfranko / jquery.selectBoxIt.js

A jQuery Select Box Plugin for Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop
MIT License
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Safari autofill does not work with select fields #388

Open ddrozdik opened 6 years ago

ddrozdik commented 6 years ago

I use selectBoxIt to style select fields on the payment form where I have fields for the credit card information, like expiration date month and year. Payment form

When I use autofill credit card information in Safari select fields do not populate data because they are hidden(visibility: hidden) and Safari ignores these fields at all. When I make them visible then they work. Payment form

And after selecting a card: Payment form

In Google Chrome it works just fine.

Any thoughts on how to fix this quickly?

ddrozdik commented 6 years ago

In the documentation, I found a setting called native, it helps but with this option, I lose the look and feel.