gfranko / jquery.tocify.js

A jQuery Table of Contents plugin that can be themed with Twitter Bootstrap or jQueryUI.
MIT License
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Context options #91

Open jamesalmeida opened 8 years ago

jamesalmeida commented 8 years ago

All the examples seem to show the context option set to body but I need mine set to a div with a specific id. Is this possible? If so, whats the syntax for that? What are other options besides body? For some reason my ToC only shows the first h1 in the body and I need it to show the h2, h3, and h4's in a specific div with an id. I tried using the option to specify h2-h4 and ignore h1 but that didn't help. I tried setting the context option to context: "#article" and also tried context: "div#article" but that didn't work either.

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