gfrenoy / TabT-API

Programming interface for TabT, the free table tennis manager software
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Default period of competition weeks #19

Open GlennDT opened 4 years ago

GlennDT commented 4 years ago

In some cases it would be interesting to have an overview of the competition weeks and the "normal" or "default" period in which the matches will be played. Having this information it would be possible to detect delayed matches for instance.

gfrenoy commented 4 years ago

Where would you see this ? In which API ? Do we need additional parameters ? Can you propose a modification in the current .WSDL ?

GlennDT commented 4 years ago

Hi Gaëtan,

I had something like this in mind (wsdl ""):

Is this clear for you? I used the notation similar to what I get with wsdl. DateFrom and DateTill represent the "default" or "standard" period for the week(s)/divisioncategory and specific season. thanks, Glenn
gfrenoy commented 4 years ago

Hi Glenn, thanks for your help ! Very appreciated :-)

Dates are actually specific per calendar types. (I mean: you can have many different dates for the same division category!).

You can see the calendar types here:

And corresponding dates there:

Either we expose those concepts that were "hidden" up to now. Either we add an entry in GetMatches that would expose the "official" date. Or an additional field that would tell that this match deviates from the standard schedule.

What would make more sense for you ?

GlennDT commented 4 years ago

Hi Gaëtan,

the entry in GetMatches indicating the official date would be sufficient in my case. The additional field indicating there is a deviation would be nice too, that way I could get a list of those meetings easily.

thanks, regards, Glenn

gfrenoy commented 4 years ago

Ok so you'll need to add an entry in TeamMatchEntryType (in wsdl + documentation in types). I'd go for "OfficialDate". Then add a field in the main select of GetMatches. You can use the same "date_select" function but leaving the "cc" field empty. This is the one that includes the changes (cc = calendarchanges) so if you don't use it, it will give you the returned date.

Feel free to ask if you need anything to move forward.