While it works on ejabberd, alfred isnt able to get presence event of contacts when connecting to a prosody server.
This leads to alfred thinking everyone is offline, until each contact reconnects.
The following log shows shotgun+gotham in debug mode : alfred.txt
We can see that upon connect, there isnt any event telling contacts are online.
Later on, i reconnect to xmpp server, and this time alfred receives a presence event from prosody.
While it works on ejabberd, alfred isnt able to get presence event of contacts when connecting to a prosody server.
This leads to alfred thinking everyone is offline, until each contact reconnects.
The following log shows shotgun+gotham in debug mode : alfred.txt We can see that upon connect, there isnt any event telling contacts are online. Later on, i reconnect to xmpp server, and this time alfred receives a presence event from prosody.