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[glsl-in] Atomics support #4372

Open fintelia opened 2 years ago

fintelia commented 2 years ago

Naga's GLSL frontend does not currently handle atomic operations. For example, this shader:

#version 460 core

layout(std430, binding = 0) buffer Buffer {
    uint x;
} buf;

void main() {
    atomicAdd(buf.x, 1);

Produces this error:

error: Unknown function 'atomicAdd'
  ┌─ shader.comp:8:5
8 │     atomicAdd(buf.x, 1);
  │     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

(I couldn't find an existing tracking issue for this, though gfx-rs/naga#1154 and gfx-rs/naga#929 are related.)

schell commented 1 year ago

Would adding atomics for glsl mean that spirv gets atomics automatically?

cwfitzgerald commented 1 year ago

No. The frontends are generally completely separate bits of code.