gfx-rs / wgpu

A cross-platform, safe, pure-Rust graphics API.
Apache License 2.0
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Yank versions of wgpu without #5812? #5837

Open workingjubilee opened 1 week ago

workingjubilee commented 1 week ago

Before d309bba, Direct3D was just merrily reading random uninit data into its execution. We know this for a fact because the very moment wgpu called a version of compile_fxc compiled by a rustc with on Windows, the programs got hoist on the petard of STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION. Much better, because the bug was made visible and has been quickly fixed! It is worth considering yanking affected versions of wgpu, especially those that have the fix backported to their major version, so that Windows stops munching on garbage data, and to accelerate retiring the affected versions from the ecosystem (even if it does not actually completely remove them due to how yanking works).

...Or not! I'm a programmer, not a cop.

ErichDonGubler commented 1 week ago

Adding this to our wgpu maintainers meeting agenda for next Wednesday.

jimblandy commented 2 days ago

Which versions are affected?

workingjubilee commented 2 days ago

This goes back to the introduction of 81569dd6c3ad58dea3d42c36c4c4b71087572ca5 sooo wgpu 0.15.0 it seems?

That is a... lot of versions to yank, so I think it would be most productive to, e.g.