gfxdisp / asap

Fast and accurate Active SAmpling method for Pairwise comparisons
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Add a new parameter to the scheduler to only perform cross-condition comparisons #18

Open Dounia18 opened 10 months ago

Dounia18 commented 10 months ago

Add a new parameter to the scheduler "block_same_conditions" to only perform cross-condition comparisons. The parameter will be used to create a 2D matrix "cmp_inf" for each scene filled with 1 and 0. 1 presents comparisons that should be included (cross-condition comparisons), and 0 which represent comparisons that should not be considered (same-condition comparisons).

The matrix "cmp_inf" will be an input to run_asap, and it will be used in the compute_minimum_spanning_tree function. The matrix will be used as a map to the "inf_mat" matrix, so that the comparisons we do not want to consider will be Inf, and we be not included in the results of the spanning tree algorithm.