Closed biencan1 closed 2 years ago
Feedback from Lixoft: rounding all columns of the dataset to 6 significant digits before using it in Monolix will solve the issue. In the next version, we will increase the number of significant digits in the output to resolve this problem.
After testing the work around of rounding to 6th significant digit seems to have resolved the issue. See snapshot below as example.
Original dataset:
created from this model fit (some time points dropped):
created from a run with a modified data set where rounding was applied to time variable using mutate(TIME=signif(TIME,6))
at this time to address the problem
Example 1: ER model, only response variable fitted. DV values contain zero
1) plot generated using ggPMX function:
ctr %>% pmx_plot_npde_time
2) plot recreated by reading in data from controller
3) plot recreated by reading in directly Monolix outputs plot source data:
Example 2: PopPK model, dataset contains censored values
1) plot generated using ggPMX function:
ctr %>% pmx_plot_npde_time
2) plot recreated by reading in data from controller
3) plot recreated by reading in directly Monolix outputs plot source data
Dropping of zero or BLOQ values doesn’t seem to be the source of the problem: different fill for BLOQ data
filter out censored data
replot using simulated BLOQ