ggPMXdevelopment / ggPMX

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nomenclature eta-ebe #54

Open combefr1 opened 4 years ago

combefr1 commented 4 years ago

Hi guys

I would recommend a few changes concerning random effects (RE, or eta).


following plots I have been using

Distribution of RE:

ctr %>% pmx_plot_eta_box

Distrib and correlation of EBE
ctr %>% pmx_plot_eta_matrix
ctr %>% pmx_plot_eta_cats


I think there is confusion in the definition of EBE.

Not clear if you are plotting individual parameter estimate (as the x label shows in the plot) or random effect (eta, as the title and the name of the plot shows). I don't think it is clear in the guidance as well what EBE is: Sometimes it is EBE of phi (individual parameter), sometimes it is EBE of eta (individual random effect). To me this is NONMEM linguo that we should avoid.

Can you change the label of the parameters to show eta_parameter? image

combefr1 commented 4 years ago

Martin's reply on question about EBE definition

From my understanding “EBE” refers to the method: Empirical Bayes Estimates, and thus is not a definition referring to individual parameters or individual variation from the population. So “plotting EBEs” does not tell me “what” is plotted.