ggandor / leap-spooky.nvim

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[Feature Request] Operator to search all windows, both cross and current #13

Closed colin-heffernan closed 1 year ago

colin-heffernan commented 1 year ago

I was expecting the R and M keys to include the currently selected window as well as the other windows, but I have found this to not be the case. Is there any way to make capital keys search all windows?

ggandor commented 1 year ago

DIY solution: replace that line with

elseif mapping.scope == 'cross_window' then
  local focusable_windows_on_tabpage = vim.tbl_filter(
    function (win) return vim.api.nvim_win_get_config(win).focusable end,
  target_windows = focusable_windows_on_tabpage

so that R/M will search in all windows. Hope this helps!

colin-heffernan commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the response! May test this, but I have largely switched to Helix. Hopefully Leap makes its way there!