ggandor / leap-spooky.nvim

👻 Actions at a distance
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Autojump in Visual mode #27

Open dmxk062 opened 3 months ago

dmxk062 commented 3 months ago

First of all, awesome plugin. This is exactly what i never knew i needed until i had it. However i noticed that this seems to be limited to operator-pending mode. Is there any specific reason for that? I dont use visual mode very often but it would be nice to just have the consistency. It would also be useful with treesitter textobjects so i could do virf instead of s[leap]vif whenever i want to select a function body.

ggandor commented 3 months ago

This is a bug - technically it still works, e.g. virw<leap>y correctly yanks the given word, but the selection is not updated after an autojump, while the plugin is still waiting for input, only after selecting a label, doing an operation, or exiting Spooky in some other way. (I guess it's not possible to "fix" this at all, autojump should not be allowed then, only if the target is unique.) Thanks for drawing my attention to this!

dmxk062 commented 2 months ago

Thanks a lot, I'll just map r to m in visual mode then.