Closed Drllap closed 11 months ago
Here is an example of how to reproduce this:
local leap = require('leap')
leap.opts.case_sensitive = true
let @q="ct<std::optional<std::reference_wrapperjkf>a>jk"
inoremap <silent> jk <esc>
cnoremap <silent> jk <C-c>
tnoremap <silent> jk <C-\><C-N>
set nowrap
call plug#begin(stdpath('data') . '/plugged')
Plug 'ggandor/leap.nvim' " Use s to make jumps to some char in view port
call plug#end()
lua require('')
std::shared_ptr<const pos_data_interface::I_position> get_iposition() const override { return nullptr; }
std::shared_ptr<const pos_data_interface::I_velocity>> get_ivelocity() const override { return nullptr; }
std::shared_ptr<const pos_data_interface::I_attitude> get_iattitude() const override { return shared_from_this(); }
std::shared_ptr<const pos_data_interface::I_heave> get_iheave() const override { return nullptr; }
std::shared_ptr<const pos_data_interface::I_pan_tilt> get_ipan_tilt() const override { return nullptr; }
nvim test.txt -u config.vim
If you remove the lua require('')
this example works as expected
I cannot reproduce, no idea what happens in your case. Feel free to reopen if the problem is not solved yet.
@ggandor I tested it again and it looks like it is fixed. Thanks
I have this code snippet:
I recorded a macro to change the
:But when I go to the first line of my example and do
I get this: