Closed lukas-remis closed 2 months ago
There used to be but I took it out in a recent version. However, you can use the command-line for it, with:
mrv2 -ics "<ICS>" -od "<Display>" [-ov "<View>"]
[ what is in brackets is optional]
You can also set the values in the UI in Window->Preferences->OCIO Defaults.
If you really need an environment variable, let me know exactly how Nuke handles it and I'll add it for the next version.
Ohh, nice. Let me try the command line parameters then. It doesn't have to be ENV variables. Can the OCIO config also be passed using command line ?
Currently not. But you can use the OCIO environment variable for it.
So an example command should be: mrv2 -ics "linear" -od "rec709" ? Cause I'm getting an error: ERROR: [app] Filename '-ics linear -od rec709; does not exist or does not have read permissions.
Also, is seems that the new mrv2 version (v1.2.6) has an error, and the OCIO Display/View list can't be changed to anything else than "None". It was working fine in v1.2.5. I'm on Ubuntu 20.04
It's working for me. It seems you have a quoting issue, as you are passing all '-ics linear -od rec709' as a single string.
Go to the console and with the studio config, try:
mrv2-v1.2.6 -ics 'scene_linear' -od 'sRGB - Display'
Here the parameters are passed with correct quoting I think, but mrv2 still complaining about it, although it correctly loads the footage. The full command is: /usr/bin/mrv2 -ics 'scene_linear' -od 'rec709' /VFX/KQ/shots/KQ_SC013b_S001/export/KQ_SC013b_S001_comp_v004/KQ_SC013b_S001_comp_v004.1001.exr
It works for me. Do this exactly (copy and paste):
export OCIO=/usr/local/mrv2-v1.2.6-Linux-64/ocio/cg-config/cg-config-v1.0.0_aces-v1.3_ocio-v2.1.ocio
cd /VFX/KQ/shots/KQ_SC013b_S001/export/KQ_SC013b_S001_comp_v004/
/usr/bin/mrv2 -ics 'scene_linear' -od 'sRGB - Display' KQ_SC013b_S001_comp_v004.1001.exr
Also look at the output of:
ls -l /usr/bin/mrv2
Alright, this works correctly from command line - thank you! However if I switch the OCIO to nuke-deault then mrv2 doesn't allow to change the OCIO Display/View setting. And I need to further investigate, cause I'm trying to launch mrv2 from Nuke, and there the same command is causing that "ERROR: [app] Filename..." error.
Here's with the nuke-default:
export OCIO=/usr/local/mrv2-v1.2.6-Linux-64/ocio/nuke-default/config.ocio
/usr/bin/mrv2 -ics 'scene_linear' -od 'default' -ov 'rec709'
I think you might need to use backslashes on the quotes in Nuke to avoid getting parsed differently.
Using that last command together with the nuke-default OCIO, seems to be correctly setting the ICS, but the image is displayed in sRGB for me, and on the second screenshot you can see that the "OCIO Display/View" setting is set to "None" and it doesn't allow me to switch it. I have to go to OCIO > All monitors > rec709 (I have 2 screens) - then it's correctly set to rec709. I don't have such problem when using the cg-config-v1.0.0_aces-v1.3_ocio-v2.1.ocio
Hey Gonzalo! This works, thank you very much for the quick fix :)
But... ;) I think I found another bug - it seems mrv2 can't load dpx sequences. It just freezes. If you need some dpx files for testing, you can download from here:
Those .dpx are corrupt. They have a Film Frame Rate of 0. I've added a check for it just in case in mrv2. Will have a new beta shortly.
OK, that's strange. I had the same problem with original dpx plate, so this must have been passed in meta data.
Nice! This solves it. Thank you :)
btw, is there a setting in mrv2 of how much RAM should be used for buffering? I can't find anything like that.
btw, is there a setting in mrv2 of how much RAM should be used for buffering? I can't find anything like that.
Panel->Settings->Cache/Gigabytes. The default is to use half your RAM, but you can set it to whatever you want.
Great. I was looking in Preferences. Thanks!
I'm trying to pass Input color space and OCIO Display/View settings to mrv2 with ENV variables from Nuke, but it doesn't seem to work. It seems I'm able to pass the the OCIO Display/View with OCIO_ACTIVE_DISPLAYS and OCIO_ACTIVE_VIEWS, but still the OCIO Display/View is set to None (although the correct option is on the list and it needs to be selected manually).
Also, is there a ENV variable that would control the Input Color Space setting?