ggebbie / IsopycnalSurfaces.jl

Find isopycnal surfaces for your ocean data
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issue about package loading #12

Closed jrayshi closed 2 years ago

jrayshi commented 2 years ago

When I tried to load the package, an issue occurred:

pkg> add ./IsopycnalSurfaces.jl ERROR: refusing to add package IsopycnalSurfaces [29a8b8bc]: package IsopycnalSurfaces = "29a8b8bc-eb2a-4ada-9a47-be49547c4d59" already exists as a direct dependency

The error message is the same when I tried: pkg> add IsopycnalSurfaces

ggebbie commented 2 years ago

Hi @jrayshi , the original SigmaShift package and the official IsopycnalSurfaces package have the same sha signature so they can't be loaded at the same time. Maybe this is the problem?

From the package manager mode in the Julia REPL, try

rm SigmaShift


add IsopycnalSurfaces

Feel free to send the output of import Pkg; Pkg.status() and I can troubleshoot better.

jrayshi commented 2 years ago

Hi @ggebbie,

The IsopycnalSurfaces package can be successfully loaded by using "add IsopycnalSurfaces" when I create a new environment in Julia REPL.

However, there is an issue about the version compatibility when I tried to load IsopycnalSurfaces in my default env. Here is the error message after "add IsopycnalSurfaces": ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package ClimateTools [4f4ee721]: ClimateTools [4f4ee721] log: ├─possible versions are: 0.9.0-0.23.1 or uninstalled ├─restricted to versions by an explicit requirement, leaving only versions 0.9.0-0.23.1 ├─restricted by compatibility requirements with ClimatePlots [b71d359b] to versions: [0.16.0-0.18.3, 0.20.0-0.22.0] │ └─ClimatePlots [b71d359b] log: │ ├─possible versions are: 0.1.0-0.4.2 or uninstalled │ └─restricted to versions by an explicit requirement, leaving only versions 0.1.0-0.4.2 └─restricted by compatibility requirements with Interpolations [a98d9a8b] to versions: 0.23.1 or uninstalled — no versions left └─Interpolations [a98d9a8b] log: ├─possible versions are: 0.3.6-0.13.5 or uninstalled ├─restricted to versions by an explicit requirement, leaving only versions 0.3.6-0.13.5 └─restricted by compatibility requirements with IsopycnalSurfaces [29a8b8bc] to versions: 0.13.0-0.13.5 └─IsopycnalSurfaces [29a8b8bc] log: ├─possible versions are: 0.1.4-0.1.5 or uninstalled └─restricted to versions by an explicit requirement, leaving only versions 0.1.4-0.1.5

It seems to conflict with the some packages I have already loaded. Do you have any idea to avoid this issue?

In addition, I copied the outputs of Pkg.status() of my default env. julia> import Pkg; Pkg.status() Status ~/.julia/environments/v1.6/Project.toml ClimatePlots v0.4.2 ClimateTools v0.22.0 Conda v1.5.2 Dierckx v0.5.1 GibbsSeaWater v0.1.1 IJulia v1.23.2 Interpolations v0.12.10 MITgcmTools v0.1.5 MeshArrays v0.2.25 NetCDF v0.10.3 PyCall v1.92.5 PyPlot v2.10.0 Revise v3.1.20

ggebbie commented 2 years ago

It is a compatibility conflict with Interpolations.jl. ClimateTools wants Interpolations 0.12, IsopycnalSurfaces has only been tested with Interpolations 0.13.

Solution method: -Allow Interpolations v0.12 in the compat entry of Project.toml -Downgrade Interpolations to v0.12

jrayshi confirms that commit 29204e0f389802ba51539ed2b5e5773a3884534f solves the issue (v0.1.6).