ggerganov / whisper.cpp

Port of OpenAI's Whisper model in C/C++
MIT License
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WebSocket Server w/ Whisper.cpp #1158

Open justinlevi opened 1 year ago

justinlevi commented 1 year ago

Hey gang, I'm trying to build a websocket server that can take a twilio audio u_law 8khz input hex stream and transcribe it via whisper cpp. I'm a complete c++ idiot so I'm sure I'm doing something really dumb.

I'm on a M1 Mac

Makefile updates for me:

CXXFLAGS = -I. -I./examples -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=c++11 -fPIC -D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE -pthread -I/opt/homebrew/opt/boost/include -I/opt/homebrew/opt/nlohmann-json/include


server: examples/stream/server.cpp ggml.o whisper.o
    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) examples/stream/server.cpp $(SRC_COMMON) $(SRC_COMMON_SDL) ggml.o $(WHISPER_OBJ) -o server $(CC_SDL) $(LDFLAGS)

Here's what I have so far:

// examples/stream/server.cpp

#include "common.h"
#include "common-sdl.h"
#include "whisper.h"

#include <boost/beast/core.hpp>
#include <boost/beast/websocket.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/ip/tcp.hpp>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

namespace beast = boost::beast;         // from <boost/beast.hpp>
namespace http = beast::http;           // from <boost/beast/http.hpp>
namespace websocket = beast::websocket; // from <boost/beast/websocket.hpp>
namespace net = boost::asio;            // from <boost/asio.hpp>
using tcp = boost::asio::ip::tcp;       // from <boost/asio/ip/tcp.hpp>


//  500 -> 00:05.000
// 6000 -> 01:00.000
std::string to_timestamp(int64_t t) {
    int64_t sec = t/100;
    int64_t msec = t - sec*100;
    int64_t min = sec/60;
    sec = sec - min*60;

    char buf[32];
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02d:%02d.%03d", (int) min, (int) sec, (int) msec);

    return std::string(buf);

// command-line parameters
struct whisper_params {
    int32_t n_threads  = std::min(4, (int32_t) std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
    int32_t step_ms    = 3000;
    int32_t length_ms  = 10000;
    int32_t keep_ms    = 200;
    int32_t capture_id = -1;
    int32_t max_tokens = 32;
    int32_t audio_ctx  = 0;

    float vad_thold    = 0.6f;
    float freq_thold   = 100.0f;

    bool speed_up      = false;
    bool translate     = false;
    bool no_fallback   = false;
    bool print_special = false;
    bool no_context    = true;
    bool no_timestamps = false;

    std::string language  = "en";
    std::string model     = "models/ggml-base.en.bin";
    std::string fname_out;

void whisper_print_usage(int argc, char ** argv, const whisper_params & params);

bool whisper_params_parse(int argc, char ** argv, whisper_params & params) {
    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
        std::string arg = argv[i];

        if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help") {
            whisper_print_usage(argc, argv, params);
        else if (arg == "-t"   || arg == "--threads")       { params.n_threads     = std::stoi(argv[++i]); }
        else if (                 arg == "--step")          { params.step_ms       = std::stoi(argv[++i]); }
        else if (                 arg == "--length")        { params.length_ms     = std::stoi(argv[++i]); }
        else if (                 arg == "--keep")          { params.keep_ms       = std::stoi(argv[++i]); }
        else if (arg == "-c"   || arg == "--capture")       { params.capture_id    = std::stoi(argv[++i]); }
        else if (arg == "-mt"  || arg == "--max-tokens")    { params.max_tokens    = std::stoi(argv[++i]); }
        else if (arg == "-ac"  || arg == "--audio-ctx")     { params.audio_ctx     = std::stoi(argv[++i]); }
        else if (arg == "-vth" || arg == "--vad-thold")     { params.vad_thold     = std::stof(argv[++i]); }
        else if (arg == "-fth" || arg == "--freq-thold")    { params.freq_thold    = std::stof(argv[++i]); }
        else if (arg == "-su"  || arg == "--speed-up")      { params.speed_up      = true; }
        else if (arg == "-tr"  || arg == "--translate")     { params.translate     = true; }
        else if (arg == "-nf"  || arg == "--no-fallback")   { params.no_fallback   = true; }
        else if (arg == "-ps"  || arg == "--print-special") { params.print_special = true; }
        else if (arg == "-kc"  || arg == "--keep-context")  { params.no_context    = false; }
        else if (arg == "-l"   || arg == "--language")      { params.language      = argv[++i]; }
        else if (arg == "-m"   || arg == "--model")         { params.model         = argv[++i]; }
        else if (arg == "-f"   || arg == "--file")          { params.fname_out     = argv[++i]; }
        else {
            fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown argument: %s\n", arg.c_str());
            whisper_print_usage(argc, argv, params);

    return true;

void whisper_print_usage(int /*argc*/, char ** argv, const whisper_params & params) {
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [options]\n", argv[0]);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "options:\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  -h,       --help          [default] show this help message and exit\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  -t N,     --threads N     [%-7d] number of threads to use during computation\n",    params.n_threads);
    fprintf(stderr, "            --step N        [%-7d] audio step size in milliseconds\n",                params.step_ms);
    fprintf(stderr, "            --length N      [%-7d] audio length in milliseconds\n",                   params.length_ms);
    fprintf(stderr, "            --keep N        [%-7d] audio to keep from previous step in ms\n",         params.keep_ms);
    fprintf(stderr, "  -c ID,    --capture ID    [%-7d] capture device ID\n",                              params.capture_id);
    fprintf(stderr, "  -mt N,    --max-tokens N  [%-7d] maximum number of tokens per audio chunk\n",       params.max_tokens);
    fprintf(stderr, "  -ac N,    --audio-ctx N   [%-7d] audio context size (0 - all)\n",                   params.audio_ctx);
    fprintf(stderr, "  -vth N,   --vad-thold N   [%-7.2f] voice activity detection threshold\n",           params.vad_thold);
    fprintf(stderr, "  -fth N,   --freq-thold N  [%-7.2f] high-pass frequency cutoff\n",                   params.freq_thold);
    fprintf(stderr, "  -su,      --speed-up      [%-7s] speed up audio by x2 (reduced accuracy)\n",        params.speed_up ? "true" : "false");
    fprintf(stderr, "  -tr,      --translate     [%-7s] translate from source language to english\n",      params.translate ? "true" : "false");
    fprintf(stderr, "  -nf,      --no-fallback   [%-7s] do not use temperature fallback while decoding\n", params.no_fallback ? "true" : "false");
    fprintf(stderr, "  -ps,      --print-special [%-7s] print special tokens\n",                           params.print_special ? "true" : "false");
    fprintf(stderr, "  -kc,      --keep-context  [%-7s] keep context between audio chunks\n",              params.no_context ? "false" : "true");
    fprintf(stderr, "  -l LANG,  --language LANG [%-7s] spoken language\n",                                params.language.c_str());
    fprintf(stderr, "  -m FNAME, --model FNAME   [%-7s] model path\n",                                     params.model.c_str());
    fprintf(stderr, "  -f FNAME, --file FNAME    [%-7s] text output file name\n",                          params.fname_out.c_str());
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");

std::array<int16_t, 256> mu_law_lookup;

void init_mu_law_lookup() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        int sgn = ((~i) & 0x80) ? -1 : 1;
        int exponent = (~i & 0x70) >> 4;
        int mantissa = ~i & 0x0F;
        int sample = sgn * (mantissa * 4 + 132) << (exponent - 1);
        mu_law_lookup[i] = sample;

std::vector<uint8_t> hex_to_bytes(const std::string& hex) {
    std::vector<uint8_t> bytes;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hex.length(); i += 2) {
        std::string byteString = hex.substr(i, 2);
        uint8_t byte = (uint8_t) strtol(byteString.c_str(), NULL, 16);

    return bytes;

std::vector<int16_t> decode_mu_law(const std::vector<uint8_t>& input) {
    std::vector<int16_t> output;

    for (uint8_t sample : input) {

    return output;

std::vector<float> pcm16_to_float(const std::vector<int16_t>& input) {
    std::vector<float> output;

    for (int16_t sample : input) {
        // Scale the 16-bit PCM sample to the range [-1.0, 1.0]
        output.push_back(sample / 32768.0f);

    return output;

std::vector<float> resample(const std::vector<float>& input, int input_rate, int output_rate) {
    std::vector<float> output;
    double rate = static_cast<double>(input_rate) / output_rate;
    for (double i = 0; i < input.size() - 1; i += rate) {
        int index = static_cast<int>(i);
        double fraction = i - index;
        float sample = static_cast<float>((1.0 - fraction) * input[index] + fraction * input[index + 1]);
    return output;

void write_word(std::ostream& stream, uint32_t value) {
    stream.put((value >> 0) & 0xFF);
    stream.put((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
    stream.put((value >> 16) & 0xFF);
    stream.put((value >> 24) & 0xFF);

void write_halfword(std::ostream& stream, uint16_t value) {
    stream.put((value >> 0) & 0xFF);
    stream.put((value >> 8) & 0xFF);

void write_wav(const std::vector<int16_t>& data, int sample_rate, const std::string& filename) {
    std::ofstream file(filename, std::ios::binary);

    // Write the RIFF chunk descriptor
    file << "RIFF";
    write_word(file, 36 + data.size() * sizeof(int16_t)); // ChunkSize
    file << "WAVE";

    // Write the "fmt " sub-chunk
    file << "fmt ";
    write_word(file, 16); // Subchunk1Size is 16
    write_halfword(file, 1); // PCM is format 1
    write_halfword(file, 1); // Mono
    write_word(file, sample_rate); // Sample rate
    write_word(file, sample_rate * sizeof(int16_t)); // ByteRate
    write_halfword(file, sizeof(int16_t)); // BlockAlign
    write_halfword(file, 8 * sizeof(int16_t)); // BitsPerSample

    // Write the "data" sub-chunk
    file << "data";
    write_word(file, data.size() * sizeof(int16_t));

    // Write the audio data
    for (int16_t sample : data) {
        write_halfword(file, sample);

void do_session(tcp::socket& socket, const whisper_params& params, struct whisper_context * ctx)
        std::vector<int16_t> buffer;
        int last_sequence_number = 0;

        websocket::stream<tcp::socket> ws{std::move(socket)};

            beast::multi_buffer msg_buffer;

            auto message = beast::buffers_to_string(;

            auto j = nlohmann::json::parse(message);

            std::cout << "Received message with track: " << j["media"]["track"]
                      << " and timestamp: " << j["media"]["timestamp"] << std::endl;

            std::string audio_hex = j["media"]["payload"];
            std::vector<uint8_t> audio_bytes = hex_to_bytes(audio_hex);
            std::vector<int16_t> audio_pcm = decode_mu_law(audio_bytes);
            std::vector<float> audio_pcm_float = pcm16_to_float(audio_pcm);
            std::vector<float> audio_pcm_float_resampled = resample(audio_pcm_float, 8000, 16000);

            int sequence_number = std::stoi(j["sequenceNumber"].get<std::string>());

            if(sequence_number == last_sequence_number + 1) {
                buffer.insert(buffer.end(), audio_pcm.begin(), audio_pcm.end());
                last_sequence_number = sequence_number;
            } else {
                // Handle out-of-order or missing chunks

            if(buffer.size() >= 3*16000) {

                // Create the whisper parameters
                whisper_full_params wparams = whisper_full_default_params(WHISPER_SAMPLING_GREEDY);
                wparams.print_progress   = false;
                wparams.print_special    = false;
                wparams.print_realtime   = false;
                wparams.print_timestamps = false;
                wparams.translate        = false;
                wparams.single_segment   = true;
                wparams.max_tokens       = 0;
                wparams.language         = "en";
                wparams.n_threads        = std::min(4, (int32_t) std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
                wparams.audio_ctx        = 0;
                wparams.speed_up         = false;

                // echo to screen that we are writing wav
                std::cout << "Writing wav" << std::endl;
                write_wav(buffer, 16000, "audio.wav");

                // Run the inference
                if (whisper_full(ctx, wparams,, buffer.size()) != 0) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "failed to process audio\n");

                // Print result
                const int n_segments = whisper_full_n_segments(ctx);
                for (int i = 0; i < n_segments; ++i) {
                    const char * text = whisper_full_get_segment_text(ctx, i);
                    std::cout << "Segment " << i << ": " << text << std::endl;

                // Clear buffer for next round of processing

                // Destroy the whisper context

    catch(beast::system_error const& se)
        if(se.code() != websocket::error::closed)
            std::cerr << "Error: " << se.code().message() << std::endl;
    catch(std::exception const& e)
        std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;


int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // Initialize the mu-law lookup table

    // Parse command-line parameters (from stream.cpp)
    whisper_params params;
    if (whisper_params_parse(argc, argv, params) == false) {
        return 1;

    // Initialize the whisper context
    struct whisper_context * ctx = whisper_init_from_file(params.model.c_str());
    if (ctx == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "failed to create whisper context\n");
        return 1;

    try {
        auto const address = net::ip::make_address("");
        auto const port = static_cast<unsigned short>(std::atoi("8080"));

        net::io_context ioc{1};

        tcp::acceptor acceptor{ioc, {address, port}};
            tcp::socket socket{ioc};


            // pass params to do_session
            std::thread{std::bind(&do_session, std::move(socket), params, ctx)}.detach();
    catch(const std::exception& e)
        std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << "\n";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // Free the whisper context at the end

    return 0; // Return 0 for success

Here's a pythonmock streaming client I'm using to test this:


import asyncio
import websockets
import ffmpeg
import json

# SOCKET_SERVER_URI = "ws://localhost:3000"
SOCKET_SERVER_URI = "ws://localhost:8080"

print("Starting ffmpeg command")
# Convert the audio file to 8kHz and perform mu-law encoding
input_audio = ffmpeg.input("./jfk.wav")
output_audio = ffmpeg.output(
    input_audio, "pipe:", format="mulaw", acodec="pcm_mulaw", ar="8000"
out, _ =, capture_stdout=True, capture_stderr=True)
print("Finished ffmpeg command")

# Convert the audio data to bytes
audio_bytes = out

async def client():
        # Connect to the specific server
        print("Attempting to connect to server")
        async with websockets.connect(SOCKET_SERVER_URI) as websocket:
            print("Connected to server")
            # Loop playback on the audio file forever until the script is killed
            # while True:
            # Send the audio data as WebSocket messages
            for i in range(0, len(audio_bytes), 1024):
                # We are creating a message in the same format that Twilio uses.
                # The payload is the audio data encoded in base64.
                message = {
                    "event": "media",
                    "sequenceNumber": str(i // 1024 + 1),
                    "media": {
                        "track": "outbound",
                        "chunk": str(i // 1024 + 1),
                        "timestamp": str(i // 1024 * 125),
                        "payload": audio_bytes[i : i + 1024].hex(),
                    "streamSid": "MZ18ad3ab5a668481ce02b83e7395059f0",
                # This sends the message over the WebSocket connection.
                await websocket.send(json.dumps(message))
                print("Message sent")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Exception occurred: {e.__class__}")


Twilio's payload looks like this which I've modeled in the client stream :

 "event": "media",
 "sequenceNumber": "3", 
 "media": { 
   "track": "outbound", 
   "chunk": "1", 
   "timestamp": "5",
   "payload": "nxxx=="
 } ,
 "streamSid": "MZ18ad3ab5a668481ce02b83e7395059f0"

* The server is accepting the audio stream, but when I write the audio file to disk it sounds high pitched and f'd up. This makes me think that the stream is not being upsampled to 16khz correctly. Totally unsure how to do that. 

I feel like this could be a useful implementation to be able to accept a websocket stream instead of just from the mic
justinlevi commented 1 year ago

FWIW - I have a fork here if anyone is interested in checking this out

alexivaner commented 10 months ago

Hi @justinlevi , I also use m1 , but I wonder why I could not access websocket using other device in the same network. It will only work if I access this websocket using the same device. Could you give me any suggestion how could you do this?

Swiffers commented 8 months ago

@justinlevi Can you explain the modification that you made ?