gggard / AndroidCaldavSyncAdapater

Caldav synch adapter for Android
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NullPointerException on adding Timezone #210

Closed ThomasSteinbach closed 8 years ago

ThomasSteinbach commented 10 years ago

Caldav crashes in AndroidEvent on line 381:


Seems that the timezone instance is null. In the documentation of ical4j#timezoneregistry is written: "If no timezone is registered with the specified identifier null is returned."

ThomasSteinbach commented 10 years ago

I have added following workaround, that works for me:

if(timezone == null){
    timezone = registry.getTimeZone("Europe/Berlin");

Maybe one could setup a standard timezone in the caldav settings, used everytime no timezone is provided by calendar entrys.

ThomasSteinbach commented 8 years ago

This project seems to be discontinued. Using now CalDAV-Sync from Marten Gajda. Closing as unfixed.