gggard / AndroidCaldavSyncAdapater

Caldav synch adapter for Android
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First sync works but never sync afterwards #268

Open jeannotalpin opened 6 years ago

jeannotalpin commented 6 years ago

I like the simplicity of the app, but I have a problem with synchronisation. The first sync goes smoothly and I see all my events, but the account never sync afterwards, so the new events are not added.

If I go to account and sync manually, nothing happens, and I still have the last sync being the day I installed the app. Only solution is to delete the account and recreate it.

Is there anyway to get logs to understand why it is not syncing?

baronmalk commented 6 years ago

Same kind of problem with a samsung s7 :synchronisation goes well but stops and cannot Be automatic 😟

baronmalk commented 6 years ago

Same kind of problem for me

Plumpcat44 commented 6 years ago

Same problem on Echo Horizon Lite (Android 7.0) I have to reinstall the program every month :(

baronmalk commented 6 years ago

Seems that the editor doesn't maintain its software: I havent seen any new version since long... Any idea about another software?