ggggggggg / Physical.jl

Units, physical constants, error propagation.
MIT License
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Many physical constants are incorrect #5

Closed AndrewBelt closed 8 years ago

AndrewBelt commented 9 years ago

In /data/default/c_physics.jl, many constants are blatantly wrong.

const hbar_plank = 2*pi*h_plank # should be h_plank/(2pi)
const m_electron = 9.10938291*KiloGram # forgot order of magnitude
const m_proton = 1.672621777*Kilogram # forgot order of magnitude

There may be more. I may send a pull request later today.

ggggggggg commented 9 years ago

Fixed via ecbd7caaf57da64f0eaa91fcdd2a1d6d86172da3. Thanks and sorry for the obvious errors.