ggiamarchi / vagrant-openstack-provider

Use Vagrant to manage OpenStack Cloud instances.
MIT License
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vagrant up failure for mutlinode deployments #349

Open tlella opened 6 years ago

tlella commented 6 years ago

2018-01-31 14:02 | DEBUG | block in get_server_details - start 2018-01-31 14:02 | DEBUG | request => method : GET 2018-01-31 14:02 | DEBUG | request => url : 2018-01-31 14:02 | DEBUG | request => headers : {"X-Auth-Token"=>"gAAAAABacjyEfjxxZG26gW79BBMpdDo_zP6aFXffjZbIIvLqthFcLxBoe5vBUqEJXhFmNsgfa9MHCfmHmcTd5sGBhT-7bAmBkoKJzB2JILEGBG4ax3YReApH_ODgifG6Lzuyj4NJ5VogwL62uxBZG0h956-CRmE8loWDPe9cnEVdnYLKZf8Vnks", :accept=>:json} 2018-01-31 14:02 | DEBUG | response => code : 200 2018-01-31 14:02 | DEBUG | response => headers : {:content_length=>"1860", :content_type=>"application/json", :openstack_api_version=>"compute 2.1", :x_openstack_nova_api_version=>"2.1", :vary=>"OpenStack-API-Version, X-OpenStack-Nova-API-Version", :x_compute_request_id=>"req-a875078e-2c9c-4e6a-b52a-896bb8bc7efb", :date=>"Wed, 31 Jan 2018 22:01:47 GMT"} 2018-01-31 14:02 | DEBUG | response => body : {"server": {"OS-EXT-STS:task_state": null, "addresses": {"amalkar-net01": [{"OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:dd:7c:02", "version": 4, "addr": "", "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "fixed"}, {"OS-EXT-IPS-MAC:mac_addr": "fa:16:3e:dd:7c:02", "version": 4, "addr": "", "OS-EXT-IPS:type": "floating"}]}, "links": [{"href": "", "rel": "self"}, {"href": "", "rel": "bookmark"}], "image": {"id": "206ab0fb-5b1b-4fb8-aca7-d951ac31b72d", "links": [{"href": "", "rel": "bookmark"}]}, "OS-EXT-STS:vm_state": "active", "OS-SRV-USG:launched_at": "2018-01-31T22:01:17.000000", "flavor": {"id": "20910815-3a34-42df-88fb-e592961f14f2", "links": [{"href": "", "rel": "bookmark"}]}, "id": "cb4574d9-6760-4646-a1ad-b3a04b789c0d", "security_groups": [{"name": "POSTGRES_SEC_GRP"}], "user_id": "5a8bf58fb169446ba5054cef9b4c17df", "OS-DCF:diskConfig": "MANUAL", "accessIPv4": "", "accessIPv6": "", "progress": 0, "OS-EXT-STS:power_state": 1, "OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone": "nova", "metadata": {"Created By": "Vagrant"}, "status": "ACTIVE", "updated": "2018-01-31T22:01:24Z", "hostId": "e96d5bda2d488ae54ca88cf798ef36b81d585c3ca58b96d3b646a022", "OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at": null, "key_name": "cliqrdev", "name": "postgres-4.9.0", "created": "2018-01-31T22:01:17Z", "tenant_id": "8ae90a3915c94ed6813867bc82093c3a", "os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached": [], "config_drive": ""}} 2018-01-31 14:02 | DEBUG | block in get_server_details - end 2018-01-31 14:02 | INFO | Reading SSH info ==> postgres: Machine booted and ready! An unknown error happened in Vagrant OpenStack provider

To easily debug what happened, we recommend to set the environment variable VAGRANT_OPENSTACK_LOG to debug


If doing this does not help fixing your issue, there may be a bug in the provider. Please submit an issue on Github at with the stracktrace and the logs.

We are looking for feedback, so feel free to ask questions or describe features you would like to see in this provider. Catched Error: No host IP was given to the Vagrant core NFS helper. This is an internal error that should be reported as a bug.

tlella commented 6 years ago

here is the Vagrantfile content

require 'vagrant-openstack-provider' require 'yaml' nodes=['postgres', 'ccm','cco','amqp']

Every project will have different server_config.yml file

CONF = YAML.load_file('config.yml')

version = echo "snow_approval-4.9.0" | cut -d - -f 2 | cut -c -5

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| CONF['ssh'].each do |ssh|

Make sure the private key from the key pair is provided

config.ssh.username = ssh['username']
config.ssh.private_key_path = ssh['private_key_path']


nodes.each do |server| config.vm.define "#{server}" do |box| box.vm.provider :openstack do |os|


    os.openstack_auth_url     = CONF['url']
    os.username           = CONF['user']                # e.g. "#{ENV['OS_USERNAME']}"
    os.password           = CONF['password']            # e.g. "#{ENV['OS_PASSWORD']}"
    os.tenant_name            = CONF['tenant']

os.domain_name = CONF['domain']

os.project_name = CONF['project']

os.identity_api_version = CONF['api_version']

os.region = CONF['region'] # optional

# VM Configuration 
    os.server_name            = "#{server}-"+version
if ("#{server}" == "ccm")
    os.flavor     = "m2.large"              # To account 4.8.2 changes 
        os.flavor         = CONF['flavor']              # Regex or String
os.image              = CONF['image']                   # Regex or String
    os.availability_zone      = CONF['availabilityzone']               # optional    
    os.security_groups        = ["#{server}_SEC_GRP".upcase]                 # optional ['ssh','http']

os.user_data = "#cloudconfig" # optional

    os.metadata               = {"Created By" => "Vagrant"}             # optional

# VM Networking

os.floating_ip = ""

    os.floating_ip_pool       = CONF['floatingpool']        
    os.networks               = CONF['networks']

# VM Authentication
    os.keypair_name           = CONF['keypair_name']          # as stored in Nova

os.public_key_path = "path" #if keypair_name is not provided, the path to the public key will be used by vagrant to generate a keypair on the OpenStack cloud.

    box.vm.provision :shell, :inline =>"yum install -y wget ; echo 'alias cls=clear' >> /etc/bashrc"
    box.vm.provision :shell, :path => "", :args => ["release-4.9.0-20180130.0","centos7","openstack","#{server}"]




ghaskins commented 5 years ago

I'm getting this same error, FWIW