ggloor / ALDEx_bioc

ALDEx_bioc is the working directory for updating bioconductor
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Aldex clr_function.R bug when using the glm function #29

Closed tbrowne5 closed 2 years ago

tbrowne5 commented 4 years ago

Opening a bug report for the ALDEx2 (ALDEx_bioc) GLM function in R 3.5.1. Error:

R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02) Error in, conds) : mismatch between number of samples and condition vector Calls: aldex.clr -> aldex.clr -> aldex.clr.function ->

The exact code used with R 3.5.1 is:

data(selex) covariates <- data.frame("A" = sample(0:1, 14, replace = TRUE),"B" = c(rep(0, 7), rep(1, 7))) mm <- model.matrix(~ A + B, covariates) x <- aldex.clr(selex, mm, mc.samples=1, denom="all")

Error location — ALDEx2 clr_function.r:

if(ncol(reads) != length(conds) & !is(conds, "matrix")){ print(length(conds)) print(ncol(reads)) stop("mismatch between number of samples and condition vector") }

ggloor commented 2 years ago

fixed. Thx