ggordan / GutterColor

A Sublime Text 3 plugin which displays a colour in the gutter if the line contains a colour.
MIT License
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GutterColor conflicts with GitGutter #11

Open klapec opened 10 years ago

klapec commented 10 years ago

As shown in a screenshot below, GutterColor's color representation gets replaced by GitGutter's icon. Is there any way to have them both appear side by side, if needed?


jbrooksuk commented 10 years ago

Unfortunately not, this is a limitation of Sublime I'm afraid.

Edit: On second thoughts, it may be possible — although untested — to see if there is a GitGutter mark already in place, then overlay it somehow onto the Gutter Color icon.

tbow commented 10 years ago

Similar thing happens with VCS Gutter. Color overrides the VCS Gutter image.

4ndrej commented 10 years ago

it would be nice if it could merge both images, for example instead of drawing color circle try to use *gutter image and draw 2px color border around it.

meetmicah commented 10 years ago

Not sure if it could happen, but I'd love to have the ability to increase the gutter width in order to allow for both GitGutter and GutterColor to show up side by side. Guessing that'd be a Sublime issue, though.

jbrooksuk commented 10 years ago

This is a limitation on Sublime's half I'm afraid.

tdhsmith commented 10 years ago

For GitGutter, it wouldn't be terribly hard to check the defined regions; they only use 5 region keys to add icons. Maybe we could attach a scan to post_window_command(window, 'git_gutter')?

Not exactly sure how to best composite the icons though. My instinct is to have black and white versions to place in the center of our circle, choosing the more contrastive one? But if we end up supporting more plugins, it's kind of silly to keep adding our own versions of their icons...

Also I wonder if the icon overriding is a first-come, first-served thing, or if it is choosing the first alphabetical region ("git_gutter" < "gutter_color" < "vcs_gutter"), or what?