ggordan / GutterColor

A Sublime Text 3 plugin which displays a colour in the gutter if the line contains a colour.
MIT License
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Square yellow color when #FFFFFF but working when #ffffff #119

Open geeky3 opened 6 years ago

geeky3 commented 6 years ago

When i type "#FFFFFF" it gives me annoying yellow box but if I type "#ffffff" than it works perfectly, also uppercase with any other color works, I have issue only with '#FFFFFF". Any idea what is causing this ??

TeralGoe commented 5 years ago

Yep, I noticed that, too. Looks like this is happening because GutterColor have #ffffff.png in the cache folder and cannot create a new file with same name.

However, you can recreate all files through clearing cache: Command Palette -> GutterColor: Clear Cache

marandac commented 4 years ago

Applied a quickfix to this problem by forcing lowercase on the color strings in the code (in Win10, \User\Your Username\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\Gutter Color).

Changed those instances:

if matches:


if matches:
        lowercase =
        lowercase = lowercase.lower()
        return lowercase

Once you update the file and clear your cache as described by @TeralGoe , the problem should be gone.

As reference, I attached the modified file