ggordan / GutterColor

A Sublime Text 3 plugin which displays a colour in the gutter if the line contains a colour.
MIT License
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Choose hex over text color #96

Open timmyg opened 8 years ago

timmyg commented 8 years ago

I have the following but it choose to color the dot "green" instead of the hex color, any way to configure this? Love the package other than that!

@brand-green:           #4F9A56;


jeffmckeand commented 8 years ago

Same. HTML/CSS color names trump defined hex values if they appear on the same line. Please fix.

matthisk commented 8 years ago

Experiencing the same issue, would be nice if you could configure to only display hex colors in the gutter

attenzione commented 8 years ago

as it is merged, please bump new version to simply update via package manager