ggplot2-exts /

A list of ggplot2 extensions
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Suggestion: Add a cran label #19

Open LluisRamon opened 8 years ago

LluisRamon commented 8 years ago

It would be great if you could include some label to differentiate packages that are on CRAN and those that are hosted just in Github.

Idea taken from htmlwidgets gallery

Emaasit commented 8 years ago

That is a great idea. I was not aware of Hafen's htmlwidgets gallery. It makes searching for packages by certain criteria so easy. I going to do something similar for extensions. cc @thomasp85 . Maybe add another tab for "interactive search".

thomasp85 commented 8 years ago

Indeed a great idea. I would add that packages on Bioconductor should be featured equally prominent as the requirements for Bioconductor packages are even greater