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A list of ggplot2 extensions
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new ggplots exts #3

Closed omarbenites closed 8 years ago

omarbenites commented 8 years ago

Hello Daniel, These are my ggexts packages to add:

  1. gganimate: Create easy animations with ggplot2 Github Repo:
  2. sjPlot: ggplot exts for Data Visualization for Statistics in Social Science Github Repo: Examples and Documentation
jemus42 commented 8 years ago

I wouldn't call sjPlot a ggplot2 extension package. It's basically a bunch of functions building on top of ggplot2, and while I like an use them regularly, they don't provide any new geoms, scales or whatever in a way the new extensions building on top of ggplot2 2.0 do.

It is, however, extraordinarily useful.

Emaasit commented 8 years ago

I agree with @jemus42 , since many actual ggplot2 extensions are being submitted, let's reserve that space for them. Thanks though @omarbenites , I had never heard of "sjPlot" and now am dying to explore it.

Emaasit commented 8 years ago

Thanks @omarbenites . I have added gganimate.

omarbenites commented 8 years ago

Yep. Probably it's an useful tool for ggplot, but not exactly a ggplot extension. On the other hand (if it is possible), I think would be a good idea create a topic for ggplot wrappers (like sjPLot). Thanks @Emaasit, it's a really good work