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ggnetwork (and other suggestions) #7

Open briatte opened 8 years ago

briatte commented 8 years ago

I'll try to contribute to the repo in the next few weeks.

I'm the author of the ggnet and ggnetwork functions (the former of which are part of the GGally), so I'll start with these.

The latter also seems to have been coded independently by @thomasp85 as part of a larger project:

And then I'll dig these links for more extensions:

ttyl :)

hrbrmstr commented 8 years ago

+1'ing these.

Emaasit commented 8 years ago

@briatte What's the difference between ggnet and ggnetwork? Looks like they build both build network graphics with ggplot2.

briatte commented 8 years ago

The difference is quickly discussed in this thread with the creator of ggraph. It has to do with the number of geoms required to build a full graph, which is always 1 with ggnet or geomnet, and always more than that with ggraph or ggnetwork.

All these functions revolve around plotting network objects. Feel free to drop either ggnet or ggnetwork (or both): the former can be featured as part of the GGally package, and the latter was just a little experiment in writing up new geoms :)