ggrossetie / asciidoctor-web-pdf

Convert AsciiDoc documents to PDF using web technologies
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Any large asciidoctor block causes page-break issue #682

Open aksigkvgithub opened 1 year ago

aksigkvgithub commented 1 year ago

In my previous post I was surprised with arbitrary page-break issues occurring in rendering pdf document rendered with asciidoctor-web-pdf.

In the present post, I am going to attach below three files, which, along with my previous experience, as well as after reading all the posts posted by other users, makes me sure of what is the real cause of this page-break issue.

Below is my new .adoc file, converted to .txt file for upload:


Next, I am attaching the pdf file rendered by asciidoctor-pdf:


Finally, I am attaching my pdf file rendered by asciidoctor-web-pdf:


You can yourself verify by rendering at your level, that the asciidoctor-pdf renders well the data table block by invoking the page-break at the right place. But, this backend fails at the other level, i.e. in rendering the latexmath formulae. For the users like me, belonging to math background, this is very common in almost every document. Its probable reason, as I have read the documentation so far, is the lack of availability of asciidoctor-mathematical gem, which is impossible to install by me so far.

The final attached pdf document has been rendered by asciidoctor-web-pdf. This pdf is very beautifully rendered in terms of symbols, formulae, cross-referencing etc. But, it falters in page-break because it can not invoke the large data table block at the right place. In my previous post too the same thing happened,. But, that time they pertained to some kinds of blocks, which could not be broken properly at the right places at the end of pages, but then I could not conclude properly, as to what was happening.

But, now at present I am sure of this, with this experience, as well as after reading other posts too, as to what is happening.

Thanks anyway for bringing this wonderful renderer, asciidoctor-web-pdf, which caters to our need, to some extent at least. I am sure you could handle the problem properly when the codes of asciidoctor-pdf and asciidoctor-web-pdf may possiblly be compared at your level, then this problem would be solved too, I am very hopeful of that.

With regards,