Originally posted by **Robot-Nachos** October 15, 2023
Is it possible change out the headless chrome that asciidoctor-web-pdf uses for Firefox? I have a document that makes use of `-webkit-text-stroke` and `paint-order` is necessary to draw the outline behind the text, instead of in front of it. [Chrome doesn't support `paint-order` for HTML text correctly](https://github.com/mdn/browser-compat-data/issues/17951), but Firefox does. I haven't had any luck faking similar results using text shadows or similar methods.
My understanding is that once you've enabled Firefox with `PUPPETEER_PRODUCT=Firefox yarn add puppeteer` you just need to add `({ product: 'firefox' })` after `puppeteer.launch`. I tried doing that in browser.js but it results in a timeout error from puppeteer.
Discussed in https://github.com/ggrossetie/asciidoctor-web-pdf/discussions/695