gh0stzk / dotfiles

BSPWM environment with 18 themes. With a theme selector to change on the fly.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Key Bindings and widgets not working #236

Closed Momen-MKadry closed 2 months ago

Momen-MKadry commented 2 months ago

Hey, I reinstalled Arch and installed your rice again, it was working perfectly before, now for some reason not all the bindings are working, the eww widgets also don't open when pressing the bar, I traced through the scripts and couldn't find the problem.

I did a fresh Arch install then ran the script, idk if it is related

gh0stzk commented 2 months ago

Maybe eww fails to install, check if is installed, open a terminal and run which eww the output must be /usr/bin/eww if not then follow this:

git clone

cd eww

cargo build --release --no-default-features --features x11

cd target/release

chmod +x ./eww

sudo install -m 755 "$HOME/eww/target/release/eww" -t /usr/bin/

about the keybindigs, gime more info, all fails or just some, and whitch ones.

Momen-MKadry commented 2 months ago

I installed eww, it wasn't installed, the power button now works but everything in the bar doesn't, the theme selector and app menu don't open too, I have rofi installed and polybar too

gh0stzk commented 2 months ago

open a terminal and write rofi -show drun -theme "$HOME"/.config/bspwm/scripts/Launcher.rasi

Whats the output?? something like glibc language or related???

If something like this appears, means your locales are no properly configured, generate your locales.

Momen-MKadry commented 2 months ago

Oh that solved it, I generated the locale and it worked, thanks a lot

But for some reason the wifi indicator says I'm offline even tho I am connected to wifi

gh0stzk commented 2 months ago

the wifi indicator in polybar i guess? thats because probably you have an ethernet and wifi connections, polybar grabs only one.

open ~/.config/bspwm/scripts/system.ini and edit the sys_network_interface = to your desire interface. reload polybar or bspwm and should work

Momen-MKadry commented 2 months ago

Ah ok it worked now, thanks a lot for the help

gh0stzk commented 2 months ago

No prob.