ghaerr / elks

Embeddable Linux Kernel Subset - Linux for 8086
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C compiler #1443

Open stevexyz opened 1 year ago

stevexyz commented 1 year ago

Maybe I'm wrong (I just tried to install elks on an original PC IBM XT), but seems to me that no C compiler is included inside elks (I've found the basic language interpreter though), while I think that's one of the basic thing of every Linux system.

If that's the case, I understand that a mammoth GCC might not really fit the project, but maybe the small and powerful tcc might be an option!

ghaerr commented 1 year ago

Hello @stevexyz,

Thanks for your interest in ELKS. A few years back, the project switched from using bcc to ia16-elf-gcc to build the kernel and all the applications. One of the big reasons was the lack of support for 8086 segmented architecture linker and compiler options that are not present in bcc (or tcc). Unfortunately, gcc is way too large to be able to be included in ELKS runtime, so there isn't a way for ELKS to be self-compiled, but this has been viewed as a reasonable tradeoff, all things considered.

I'm a fan of tcc, but the question is, given the limitations of segmented-mode 8086, what purpose would it serve, doing the work to get a self-hosted compiler running, when none available contain the features required to build the current kernel and all of the applications?

Thank you!

stevexyz commented 1 year ago

To me a C compiler is the base of a complete Linux (Unix) system... Don't know what are the current priority of the project but seems to me this one should be relevant. And if tcc is not ready or worst suitable maybe there are other options: back in the day there were many compilers, and all run on the basic x86 segmented architecture. Just willing to add that was amazing to see Linux booting in the XT, this addition is for sure keeping the bar very high! :) For now compliments to all developers!!

Mellvik commented 1 year ago

Hi @stevexyz - let me add my 2 cents to this discussion.

To me a C compiler is the base of a complete Linux (Unix) system...

Here's the the thing: ELKS is not a complete Linux or Unix system. Like the name says, it's intended for embedded systems. Embedded systems have limited resources and are rarely if ever selfcompiling. Of course our vintage PCs aren't embedded systems, but they have very limited resources. And - as @ghaerr also alluded to - it just doesn't make sense to have that ambition. Possibly fun, but not useful.

Think about it - what we have today is a cross development environment with gcc and tools that today's developers are familiar with and expect. And a decent cross host you can grep the entire source tree for something in a couple of seconds. Try to do something similar on your XT - you'd probably have to come back the next day.

I have Venix running on one of my machines, a 286/12. It's a complete Unix system. It can compile itself if I had full sources, and I've done a lot of development on it. In the mid 80s and recently. It has make, cc, sccs and the most basic (early) PWB tools (basically a V7 system - anno ca. 1980). And there are no cross tools, so everything is local. I can assure you, it's not a development environment you'd want to live in. It's extremely slow - and I keep asking myself how I could possibly stay sane while working in this environment in the 80s. The truth is that expectations were different then. Having your own 'complete' Unix system just qualified the endless waits - and coffee breaks :-) .

And if tcc is not ready or worst suitable maybe there are other options: back in the day there were many compilers, and all run on the basic x86 segmented architecture.

Yes, the compilers you're referring to RUN on the segmented architecture, but they support only parts of it – the small, maybe medium memory model, that's all. They have very limited options and support-tools (like cpp supporting only a few of your favorite #preprocessor commands, no objdump etc etc). Try porting any modern piece of open source code to such a system and you'll start pulling your hair out right away. I spent a lot of time trying to get rz/sz running on Venix a while back - it ended up being a BIG project because of the limitations in the compiler - not to mention in make. And because many of the source files were too big for vi.

Just willing to add that was amazing to see Linux booting in the XT, this addition is for sure keeping the bar very high! :) For now compliments to all developers!!

ELKS has come a long way, the last few years in particular. Your contributions would be very welcome. Even a native C-compiler. It's your time and your choice - and you'll get plenty support from the group regardless of whether the target tool/application is for the few or the many.


tyama501 commented 1 year ago

Not for self-compiling but to make small debug program, it is nice to have a small compiler on ELKS. I now uses the basic to peek memory or read ports on the real PC from the background but sometimes wants to do a little more complicated.

stevexyz commented 1 year ago

As already mentioned by @tyama501 it was not to be used to self compiling, even if it would have been a nice thing. And especially for starting, if there is something that is ready to be used, doesn't really matter if it is supporting just a limited memory model, but at least you can compile and run some programs on the system without always access another computer.

For now I've other (unfortunately too many) projects going on and I'll stay on the window looking the ways ELKS will grow up, but in the future if it will still be not developed maybe I'll give it a try!

In the meantime keep up the good work and happy hacking!

ghaerr commented 1 year ago

I thought more deeply about exactly what is entailed when someone says "I'd like a C compiler" to run native on ELKS. As @tyama501 and @stevexyz mentioned, it would be nice to be able to at least just compile some programs from within ELKS.

In order to do that, we'd need the following:

After all this, there are all the issues that @Mellvik brings up, which include problems associated with having no objdump, a different ASM language, possibly problems with vi or other editors not being able to edit a file in limited memory, and slow compilation times.

All in all - I have agree with @Mellvik that such a project is not really what people think of "having a C compiler" for ELKS.

On another note, I was thinking about some C interpreters that might be able to provide fast execution of simple C programs, such as the C in 4 functions compiler. It is very cool with a small code size, and allows for calling out of various functions like printf into the host-based C library. However, it is definitely not clear whether such a thing would run on ELKS. For instance, C4 uses 5 allocations of 256K each (hugely over our 64K data limit) by default. I might take a pass at allocating much smaller sizes for the source and produced symbol tables, object files and data, but I imagine this will likely greatly limit what C files can be compiled, and we still won't have the normal ELKS C library (nor multiple file compilation nor any linking).

Thank you!

tkchia commented 1 year ago

Hello @stevexyz, @ghaerr, @tyama501,

I suspect that the Amsterdam Compiler Kit might be a good candidate for an ELKS-hosted C compiler, though I have not really got around to working on such a thing, and it probably needs a fair amount of effort. I believe ACK used to be the standard toolchain for Minix — including Minix/8086 — and besides, it is written to be able to run on small systems.

Thank you!

stevexyz commented 1 year ago

Seems to me that would be a very good start: seems easy enough and producing already 16 bit x86 code in various models, and with self compilation the ported compiler if it will produce the binary elk file. Maybe the author itself would adapt it if requested and specification of the binary file are given: if it is considered good we can try to ask.

PS: @ghaerr I had a look at c in 4 functions, and while being an amazing exercise of minimization, seems really not easy to port to minimal memory systems for the way it has been designed

Randrianasulu commented 1 year ago

just as comment, I tried to play with old "ACK for Minix" from on Minix i86 (not i386) qemu VM.

Well, it ran out of memory :) trying to compile itself under existing 'cc' compiler there.

Randrianasulu commented 1 year ago

Also, Portable C Compiler website seems to be down (and web archive does not have latest copy) so here I found slightly updated (2021) copy of code but originally it was at

There seems to be some code related by i86 generation by Alan Cox.

Also, someone (Eric J. Korpela) looked at lcc-8086 but not get very far

ghaerr commented 1 year ago

Hello @Randrianasulu and @tkchia,

Thank you @Randrianasulu for the links to PCC, I'll take a look at it. Same for LCC-8086, that work looks extremely old but could be worthwhile. Of course, it would probably be a good idea to consider only using ANSI-capable (vs K&R) compilers, given where most C code is at today.

I tried to play with old "ACK for Minix" from on Minix i86 (not i386) qemu VM.

Well, it ran out of memory :) trying to compile itself under existing 'cc' compiler there.

It's probably not needed that the compiler be able to compile itself under ELKS (or MINIX), so that's OK. I am not familiar to what degree ACK has been updated to any ANSI standards, and/or long/long log/float support etc.

In the case of running on ELKS, we now have the issue that some portions of the C library may be using some ia16-elf-gcc-specific features. This would have to be looked into.

@tkchia, you had mentioned you're possibly somewhat familiar with ACK, would that be a version similar to that used for MINIX as described above, or has there been more work done updating it, to your knowledge?

Thank you!

Randrianasulu commented 1 year ago

@ghaerr I found little something supposed to help with backtranslating ANSI C to older dialect:

Also, may be Xenix (286) a.out variant can be used to get some idea how multiple segments were supported. look for sources - x.out

tkchia commented 1 year ago

Hello @ghaerr,

@tkchia, you had mentioned you're possibly somewhat familiar with ACK, would that be a version similar to that used for MINIX as described above, or has there been more work done updating it, to your knowledge?

I have not yet done a comparison of the "laurasia" copy of ACK, and David Given's current ACK tree — I hope to do that soon.

At the moment I am more familiar with Mr. Given's source tree (since I have been working on it a bit). Some impressions:

Thank you!

Randrianasulu commented 1 year ago

slightly newer ackpack for minix (1.1.2)

weirdly it comes as tar.tar. I only get file by downloading it via browser, not via wget. Same source should still be in Minix3 git, but a bit obscured because it was deleted years ago ...

info from

Randrianasulu commented 1 year ago

so, there was another compiler (c86 ?) but license prohibit commercial use.

Randrianasulu commented 1 year ago - so it was named c68, too ...

Randrianasulu commented 1 year ago

ah, it was not complete compiler, just c to asm (nasm in this version) compiler. It needed cc (main driver), ld86 (linker), c preprocessor (it seems for Psion 3 they tried Decus cpp, available in X11R3 distribution - not tried to build it yet). So, some sources are newer in C68 (for QDOS - mk68k/ Sinchlair QL system) but part of older EPOC sources still live at older site: Only ld86 and cc survived ... and even then, this ld86 outputs by default Psion's IMG format. Still, something!

stevexyz commented 1 year ago - so it was named c68, too ...

Seems has already a lot of options, among them the ones for 8086 specific:

         INTEL 8086 OPTIONS

              The options  listed in  this section apply when generating
              16-bit code  for use  on Intel processors.  They will only
              be available  if support for the Intel 8086 processor type
              was specified at the time the compiler was built.

                        Specify whether  operations  involving  floating
                        point variables should generate in-line calls to
                        the a  hardware floating  point unit, or whether
                        calls  are   made  instead  to  library  support
                        routines. Using  library support routines allows
                        floating point  operations  to  be  carried  out
                        purely in software.

                        Default:  -fpu=yes

                        Specifies that  the code  should be generated to
                        conform to  the small  memory model  (64K data +
                        64K code segments) which uses 16 bit pointers or
                        the large model which uses 32 bit pointers.

                        Default:  -pointer=16

              If support  for multiple  processors and/or assemblers was
              configured when  the compiler  was  built,  then  you  can
              specify the  target to  be a 8086 processor and a specific
              assembler can be specified using the following options:

              -bas86    Generate 8086  code.  Use  the syntax  for Bruce
                        Evan's 16 bit 8086 assembler for the output.

              -gas86    Generate  8086  code.   Use  the  GNU  assembler
                        syntax for the output.

              -masm86   Generate 8086  code.   Use  the  Microsoft  MASM
                        assembler syntax for the output

              -sysv86   Generate 8086 code.  Use the Unix SVR4 assembler
                        syntax for the output.

Randrianasulu commented 1 year ago

so, I have something horribly broken, but it makes .o files!

make on linux/termux should give you some binaries.

tkchia commented 1 year ago

@Randrianasulu : it is almost certainly still not GPL-compatible though.

Randrianasulu commented 1 year ago

seems to be very detailed document about c68 by author (I tried to send email to him, but no idea if old email address still works)

Randrianasulu commented 1 year ago - may be he has new email, forwarded to it too

stevexyz commented 1 year ago

@Randrianasulu : it is almost certainly still not GPL-compatible though.

just at the beginning of the C68 QL manual it says that it is Public Domain (even with capitals):

INTRODUCTION The C68 Compilation System provides a Public Domain C compiler for use under the QDOS operating system.

tkchia commented 1 year ago

Hello @stevexyz,

I mentioned this because @Randrianasulu stated that the source files themselves seem to prohibit commercial use. And I see that system.c states both "All commercial rights reserved" and "The C68 compiler forms part of a complete Public Domain development system for all these [QDOS] environments" (in the same file). So the licensing status of the C68 source code seems to me to be murky at best.

Thank you!

Randrianasulu commented 1 year ago

little aside (feel free to hide) but MAME got Psion 3 emulation inmore working state lately (not very big fan of 2gb gcc process during compilation but I probably can let it happen onse in year or so)

Randrianasulu commented 1 year ago

also faucc (286 & 386 codegen only?) (not really changed since 2012 ..?)

EDIT: sadly it does not compile faumachine's new bios :( also, no FP. so, not very useful?

bocke commented 11 months ago

ah, it was not complete compiler, just c to asm (nasm in this version) compiler.

Just a sidenote, but I think NASM does support ELKS a.out format. LCC port might use NASM too.

Anyways, last time I looked into ELKS binary format it had some limits on DATA and CODE segment sizes similar to Minix 1. Is that still the same? What are the limits?

Is it now possible to make something like large memory model executables in MS-DOS with GCC-iA16?

ghaerr commented 11 months ago


I think NASM does support ELKS a.out format. LCC port might use NASM too.

I'm not sure about whether NASM supports a 16-bit MINIX a.out format or not. Does NASM support ELF output? If so, the binary could likely be converted to ELKS a.out format using our own elf2elks tool, which is also used to post-process ia16-elf-gcc ELF output for ELKS.

The ELKS toolchain and kernel currently offer the ability to create and run small (64K code, 64K data) and medium (128K code, 64k data) model programs. Access to a larger data segment is possible through C __far pointers and using the fmemalloc system call to allocate main system memory, but that's all got to be done manually by the programmer. Thus, large model (> 64K data) isn't explicitly supported, but can be done with some effort.

bocke commented 11 months ago

I took a peek at NASM. It doesn't support Minix/ELKS directly. It supports as86 obj files though. They could be then linked with ld86 into elks binary, I think. My memory is a bit murky on this.

Thanx for the info on memory model support ghaerr. Much appreciated.

EtchedPixels commented 2 months ago

One option for a compiler that will definitely fit into 64K/64K would be the one I've been working on for Fuzix. It's mostly ANSI and it'll run in 48K (total). I've not tackled x86 yet but it's designed so it's very easy to get working but not pretty code out of it, and then to be able to optimize the backend once you have it working. Right now it's doing Z80, 8080, 8085 solidly, passable Z8 and Super8, close to doing 65C816 and 6809 usefully, and with other targets being worked on.

In 48K it can build startrek.c as one file on an 8080 so on a 64/64K system it should be pretty much unlimited what you can build natively. It can also build itself, though not optimized yet (copt doesn't fit in 48K and I need to write a replacement). copt should fit in 64K/64K.

tyama501 commented 1 month ago

Hello @ghaerr ,

Do you know this? Targeting ELKS with OpenWatCom

I haven't tried yet.

ghaerr commented 1 month ago

No @tyama501, I hadn't seen that repo. Looks very interesting. I'm not sure OpenWatcom would fit inside 128k and run on ELKS but it could be very interesting for its large data and other model support. I don't think it'd be too hard to get most of the ELKS C library ported to it, if wanted.

I'll take a closer look and also see whether the build for OpenWatcom could be ported to macOS, as it appears Linux-only from the repo comments.

Thank you!

ghaerr commented 1 month ago

Hello @tyama501,

I was able to build the entire OpenWatcom on macOS, then compile up the sample programs in owtarget16, and they run! :)

The OpenWatcom build took forever, over 45 minutes, but had no errors. Only two small changes were required, realpath doesn't exist on macOS and dosbox is required for the build (I'm running DosBox-X which is PC-98 compatible):

diff --git a/ b/
index 81a0614a68..c822246db9 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 # export "OWROOT=/home/ow/o w"

-export OWROOT=$(realpath "`pwd`")
+export OWROOT=$(pwd)

 # Set OWTOOLS entry to identify your toolchain used by build process
 # supported values are WATCOM GCC CLANG
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export OWDISTRBUILD=0
 # if DOSBOX emulator is used then OWDOSBOX variable must be set
 # Uncoment and set OWDOSBOX variable bellow to point to DOSBOX emulator executable

-# export OWDOSBOX=dosbox
+export OWDOSBOX=/Users/greg/net/elks-gh/dosbox-x-sdl2

 # Windows documentation build process requires Microsoft Help Compilers which can
 # work only on Windows host therefore by default this build is disabled on non-Windows

Running ./ rel built the entire system, which then was copied into open-watcom-v2/rel/bino64.

For the owtarget16 repo, I copied bino64/* above into owtarget16/w and changed a few lines in by setting WATCOM=, PATH= and removing the -W option which owcc complained about:

diff --git a/ b/
index c5e06fb..a81bd7a 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
 # by at Thu Jan 19 20:20:26 CET 2023
 set -ex

-# gcc -W -Wall -s -O2 -o prog16cv prog16cv.c  # Any host.
-owcc -W -Wall -Wextra -s -O2 -fno-stack-check -o prog16cv prog16cv.c  # For the Linux host.
+export WATCOM=/Users/greg/net/owtarget16/w
+gcc -W -Wall -s -O2 -o prog16cv prog16cv.c  # Any host.
+# owcc -W -Wall -Wextra -s -O2 -fno-stack-check -o prog16cv prog16cv.c  # For the Linux host.

 for PROG in hello printarg rot13; do
   # There is no -nostdinc.
@@ -11,7 +14,7 @@ for PROG in hello printarg rot13; do
   # -Wl,disable -Wl,1014  hides this: Warning! W1014: stack segment not found
   # !! Specify the stack size in the .c file (?).
   # Stack size: 0x400 is enough, 0x380 seems to be too low (fails with `"$PROG": Out of space) in ELKS 0.2.0.
-  owcc -bos2 -fnostdlib -Wl,disable -Wl,1014 -Wl,option -Wl,start=_start_ -Wl,option -Wl,dosseg -Wl,option -Wl,stack=0x400 -Os -s -fno-stack-check -march=i86 -W -Wall -Wextra -o "$PROG".os2 "$PROG".c
+  owcc -bos2 -fnostdlib -Wl,disable -Wl,1014 -Wl,option -Wl,start=_start_ -Wl,option -Wl,dosseg -Wl,option -Wl,stack=0x400 -Os -s -fno-stack-check -march=i86 -Wall -Wextra -o "$PROG".os2 "$PROG".c
   ./prog16cv -f elks -o "$PROG".elks "$PROG".os2
   rm -f "$PROG".os2

Running ./ then produced hello.elks and printargs.elks which run on ELKS!

As far as getting the compiler itself to run on ELKS, I suppose it is possible, as the OW build builds compilers for 16 & 32 bit systems and OS/2, but we'd probably have to make changes to the ELKS a.out loader in order to get the binaries loaded. As you may have seen, the owtarget16 project has as small conversion program prog16cv which converts an OS/2 v1.1 binary created using owcc -bos2 to an ELKS a.out header binary.

Thank you!

tyama501 commented 1 month ago

Hello @ghaerr ,

Good! Is that have a chance to create large model? I am interested in cross compiling it if it can :)

Thank you:)

ghaerr commented 1 month ago

Is that have a chance to create large model?

Yes, this would allow compilation of C files in DOS-style large model (far code, far data). But there are still big problems: the ELKS C library would also need to be ported to large model which is somewhat straightforward but still the OW .obj and .lib files are incompatible so could take some effort; and the ELKS kernel loader and a.out header may have to be significantly extended in order to load programs with code segment > 128K or data segment > 64k.

The owtarget16 demo files work because they include no header files and make system calls directly with OW ASM code included in the .c file.

All this might be made easier for a particular project by copying needed ELKS C library header and C files into your project directory and compiling them all together. The system call portions would have to be added specifically for each system call, since none will be the same as DOS or OS/2. Then, a smallish program could be compiled with large data model for testing, and then the kernel extended for adding support for data < 64k.

tyama501 commented 1 month ago

I see. Well, I will try it when I have time just for fun. Thanks:)

tyama501 commented 1 month ago

Hi @ghaerr ,

I could run the OpenWatcom on Ubuntu 20.04.1 on QEMU.

Yes, the hello.elks and the printarg worked on PC-98 too. Hello_elks

ghaerr commented 1 month ago

Hello @tyama501,

Nice, I assume those are from the owtarget16 project? I have made some big progress this week starting with those tools.

The latest is that I now have various ELKS utilities compiling using OpenWatcom C to produce .obj files, which are then converted using a modified version of the omf2elf tool from the same author's minixlibc686 project, which converts the MSFT-compatible .obj files to ELKS ELF-compatible .o files. I added support for 16-bit binaries to the obj converter.

The .c files are compiled with OpenWatcom C using ELKS' C library headers. Finally, ia16-elf-gcc is used to run the standard ELKS linker and elf2elks to produce ELKS-compatible a.out executables.

I haven't tested too many programs yet, but things are finally looking pretty good. All of this is currently in small model.

The first big benefit would be possible compilation of Watcom C projects and running them on ELKS. This will be complicated by the fact that any DOS interrupt revectoring or direct hardware access won't work well. I am hoping the add large data model testing shortly. The other big benefit should be that we can, possibly finally, get a really great C compiler running on ELKS itself! This will take more work, but I am pretty impressed with the compiler and all its utilities.

tyama501 commented 1 month ago

Wow, sounds great! Thank you!

rafael2k commented 1 month ago

This is really amazing @ghaerr ! OpenWatcom with Elks rocks!

ghaerr commented 1 month ago

Hello @toncho11, @tyama501 and @Vutshi:

There's a new Using OpenWatcom C with ELKS Wiki page that describes how to build OpenWatcom and the ELKS C library with it, as well as using the ewcc and ewlink scripts to compile and link programs.

Thank you!

tyama501 commented 1 month ago

Hello @ghaerr ,

Thank you for the instructions. I downloaded the latest environment and tried but I got the following errors. stdarg.h is missing.

My $WATDIR is /bin/watcom and $WATCOM is /bin/watcom/binl64

Am I missing something?


ghaerr commented 1 month ago

$WATCOM is /bin/watcom/binl64

This is fine, as WATCOM= is supposed to be the path to Watcom tool binaries.

My $WATDIR is /bin/watcom

This is incorrect, as WATDIR= is supposed to be the root directory of source files, see libc/

export WATDIR=/Users/greg/net/open-watcom-v2

Then, in libc/, the headers are found using:

ifeq "$(WATDIR)" ""
$(error Must set WATDIR environment variable to top of OpenWatcom C directory)

INCLUDES = -I$(TOPDIR)/libc/include -I$(TOPDIR)/elks/include
INCLUDES += -I$(WATDIR)/bld/hdr/dos/h

It is still required that a source distribution of OWC be available, as the headers are found in bld/hdr/dos/h/{stdarg.h etc}.

tyama501 commented 1 month ago

I may not have the bld directory. IIRC the header is in the watcom/lh or watcom/h. I think I should use /h. I will check again tomorrow. Thank you.

EDIT I don't have source files now but I think I can install it if it is needed.

tyama501 commented 1 month ago

I downloaded the source file but it seems there is no /bld/hdr/dos/h unless we build it.


There is stdarg.h in /bin/watcom/h/stdarg.h and open-watcom-v2-2024-05-02-Build/ci/ow/h/stdarg.h are these different from the dos/h one?

Well, I will give a try with these.

tyama501 commented 1 month ago

These 2 also looks different. /bin/watcom/h/stdarg.h and open-watcom-v2-2024-05-02-Build/ci/ow/h/stdarg.h image

ghaerr commented 1 month ago

There is stdarg.h in /bin/watcom/h/stdarg.h and open-watcom-v2-2024-05-02-Build/ci/ow/h/stdarg.h are these different from the dos/h one?

These 2 also looks different. /bin/watcom/h/stdarg.h and open-watcom-v2-2024-05-02-Build/ci/ow/h/stdarg.h

Oh, geez.

It seems that I should probably provide the correct (bld/hdr/dos/h) files in the libc/include/watcom directory, so that this will work without having to build the large OpenWatcom repo. I will look into doing that and make the changes to the INCLUDE= makefiles.

In the meantime, here is the complete bld/hdr/dos/h directory, which you can copy over for the time being.

ghaerr commented 1 month ago


I am a bit surprised the DOS header files are not copied over with an OpenWatcom installation. I am wondering whether the installer is assuming that upon installation on Linux/FreeBSD that the OWC Linux header files should be installed. Is there an option to specify that one desires to develop DOS applications from Linux? Perhaps the installer only knows about simple installations instead of cross-compiler/development scenarios.... ?

ghaerr commented 1 month ago

Also, there is a possibility that the installed OWC compiler will be the version that compiles and produces 32-bit applications, rather than 16-bit applications. I am not yet familiar enough with OWC to know whether a separate compiler executable is used for these two different cases. I am running on macOS and only built the OWC repo from scratch.

tyama501 commented 1 month ago

Hello @ghaerr ,

Thank you for attaching the zip file. Good reference. It seems that /bin/watcom/h is almost same as yours. (You have bios98.h!)

Probably we can use /bin/watcom/h
