ghaiklor / iterm-fish-fisher-osx

Semi-automatic installer for Command Line Tools + Homebrew + iTerm2 + Fish Shell + Fisher + Plugins/Themes
MIT License
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Unsupported use of '&&'. In fish, please use 'COMMAND; and COMMAND'. #4

Closed soraliu closed 6 years ago

soraliu commented 6 years ago

after I run

$ bash <(curl -s

restart ITerm2 and then it throws an error

- (line 1): Unsupported use of '&&'. In fish, please use 'COMMAND; and COMMAND'.
begin; ;            function __tf_alias () {;                TF_PYTHONIOENCODING=$PYTHONIOENCODING;;                export TF_ALIAS=__tf_alias;;                export TF_SHELL_ALIASES=$(alias);;                export TF_HISTORY=$(fc -ln -10);;                export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8;;                TF_CMD=$(;                    thefuck THEFUCK_ARGUMENT_PLACEHOLDER $@;                ) && eval $TF_CMD;;                unset TF_HISTORY;;                export PYTHONIOENCODING=$TF_PYTHONIOENCODING;;                history -s $TF_CMD;;            };        ;
from sourcing file -
    called on line 60 of file /usr/local/Cellar/fish/2.6.0/share/fish/functions/

in function 'eval'
    called on line 3 of file ~/.config/fish/conf.d/

from sourcing file ~/.config/fish/conf.d/
    called on line 244 of file /usr/local/Cellar/fish/2.6.0/share/fish/

from sourcing file /usr/local/Cellar/fish/2.6.0/share/fish/
    called during startup

source: Error while reading file '-'

What should I do?

ghaiklor commented 6 years ago

@lovesora it's a known issue of the one of plugins - see

Just uninstall thefuck plugin via Fisherman and try to install it manually, in case you want to have fuck command.