ghale / gradle-jenkins-plugin

Gradle plugin to programmatically configure Jenkins jobs.
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deleteJenkinsItem fails if Job web page is open on Jenkins server #67

Open mpettigr opened 8 years ago

mpettigr commented 8 years ago

While using gradle-jenkins-plugin, I noticed that the deleteJenkinsItem task will throw an error if the job you're trying to delete is being viewed on the Jenkins server by a user. It throws a "500 Internal Error".

Running this same experiment using curl ( send a POST doDelete to the job ) reveals the error message is:

...\builds\1\log: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

Is there another Jenkins API call that allows one to safely delete a job despite being viewed by another user? This doesn't sound like such a great idea but neither does throwing a generic HTTP 500 error.

At the very least, it would be helpful if the gradle-jenkins-plugin threw a more descriptive error. Documenting the behavior in this ticket will at least warn other users. I'm very new to Jenkins so I don't know if this is just an architectural limitation.

Regardless, your plugin is fantastic. I'm using the cloudbees folder plugin support (serviceOverrides). Works great. Thank you for building it.

best regards,
