ghantoos / lshell

lshell is a shell coded in Python, that lets you restrict a user's environment to limited sets of commands, choose to enable/disable any command over SSH (e.g. SCP, SFTP, rsync, etc.), log user's commands, implement timing restriction, and more.
GNU General Public License v3.0
439 stars 111 forks source link

Midnight Commander ignores the restrictive path and shows the entire file system #184

Closed keha closed 1 month ago

keha commented 6 years ago

Hello! mc ignores /etc/lshell.conf path: ['/var/www/site1','/var/www/site2']

PS lshell/xenial,xenial,now 0.9.17-1

ghost commented 6 years ago

Please elaborate what you mean by ”show”. Unless you disable tab completion you will be able to enumerate the entire file system, but you shold not be able to access any restrictive paths.

keha commented 6 years ago

$ ls / forbidden path -> "/" You have 1 warning(s) left, before getting kicked out. This incident has been reported $ mc screenshot mc

ghantoos commented 1 month ago

Allowing mc is like allowing bash. MC should be the one implementing the restrictions, I don't think that lshell can do that on their behalf.