ghdl / ghdl-yosys-plugin

VHDL synthesis (based on ghdl)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Multiple use of module #131

Open IIupor opened 3 years ago

IIupor commented 3 years ago

Description ghdl or yosys changes module port names to lowercase

Expected behaviour I want to use the module (i.e. entity) mux2_1 in mux4_1 and mux4_1_x2. Using

ghdl mux2_1.vhd -e mux2_1
ghdl mux4_1.vhd -e mux4_1

i got error ERROR: Re-definition of module `\ mux2_1 '

Using ghdl mux2_1.vhd mux4_1.vhd -e mux4_1 i got error ERROR: Module `mux2_1 'referenced in module` mux4_1_x2' in cell `mux1 'does not have a port named' Y '.

To determine the cause of the error, I wrote verilog file with the following command: write_verilog ./mux4_1_x2.syn0.v

It turned out that ghdl or yosys changed the port names of the module to lower case

module mux2_1 (s0, d1, d0, y);
  wire _0_;
  wire _1_;
  wire _2_;
  wire _3_;
  input d0;
  input d1;
  input s0;
  output y;
  assign _0_ = ~ s0;
  assign _1_ = d0 & _0_;
  assign _2_ = d1 & s0;
  assign _3_ = _1_ | _2_;
  assign y = _3_;

How can a module be used in different files?

How to reproduce?

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity mux2_1 is
port --define inputs and outputs        
    S0  :  in std_logic;
    D1  :  in std_logic;
    D0  :  in std_logic;
    Y   :  out  std_logic 

end mux2_1;

architecture logic of mux2_1 is
Y <= (D0 and (not S0)) or 
     (D1 and S0) ; 
end logic;

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity mux4_1 is
port --define inputs and outputs        
    S1  :  in std_logic;
    S0  :  in std_logic;
    D3  :  in std_logic;
    D2  :  in std_logic;
    D1  :  in std_logic;
    D0  :  in std_logic;
    Y   :  out  std_logic 

end mux4_1;

architecture struc of mux4_1 is
    component mux2_1 is
                S0  :  in std_logic;
                D1  :  in std_logic;
                D0  :  in std_logic;
                Y   :  out  std_logic 
    end component;
    signal out_mux0    : std_logic;
    signal out_mux1    : std_logic;
    mux2_1_0 : mux2_1
      port map (S0    => S0,
                D1    => D1,
                D0    => D0,
                Y     => out_mux0

    mux2_1_1 : mux2_1
      port map (S0    => S0,
                D1    => D3,
                D0    => D2,
                Y     => out_mux1

    mux2_1_2 : mux2_1
      port map (S0    => S1,
                D1    => out_mux1,
                D0    => out_mux0,
                Y     => Y
end struc;

module mux4_1_x2 (out1, out2, data1, data2, sel1, sel2);
    input [3:0] data1;
    input [1:0] data2;

    input [0:1] sel1;
    input sel2;
    output out1;
    output out2;

    mux4_1 mux0 (.S0(sel1[0]), .S1(sel1[1]), .D3(data1[1]), .D2(data1[0]), .D1(data1[1]), .D0(data1[0]), .Y(out1));
    mux2_1 mux1 (.S0(sel2), .D1(data2[1]), .D0(data2[0]), .Y(out2));
tgingold commented 3 years ago

VHDL being case insensitive, ghdl only uses lowercase names. Yosys being verilog is case sensitive and expect the same name.

So, you can either use lowercase ports name in verilog (that should work), or rename the ports once imported (using the command rename in yosys).

I fear there is no magic solution.

IIupor commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the answer