ghdl / ghdl-yosys-plugin

VHDL synthesis (based on ghdl)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error: Info: No candidate top level module #157

Closed sowana closed 2 years ago

sowana commented 2 years ago

I am completely new to this project, but have installed and made all the required tools and they appear to work ok. I created a simple half_adder.vhd file

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity half_adder is port (a, b: in std_logic; s, c: out std_logic); end half_adder;

architecture behavior of half_adder is begin ha: process (a, b) begin if a = '1' then s <= not b; c <= b; else s <= b; c <= '0'; end if; end process ha;

end behavior; Firstly I analysed the code ghdl -a half_adder.vhd then synthesised it yosys -m ghdl -p 'synth_ice40 -json half_adder.json' half_adder.vhd all of the above completed without error. then tried place and route nectpnr-ice40 --up5k --pcf up5k.pcf --package sg48 --json half_adder.json -asc half_adder,asc this produced the following Info: No candidate top level modules. ERROR: Failed to autodetect top module, please specify using --top. 0 warnings, 1 error I not sure how to proceed as module is a verilog keyword and my source file vhdl.

rjordans commented 2 years ago

I'd try --top half_adder, these tools were originally developed around verilog so you'll find some references to that in the output indeed. The top module roughly translates to the topmost entity in your design

eine commented 2 years ago


sowana commented 2 years ago

Thanks gents, much appreciated and all sorted.