I was trying to compile a testbench of mine. I initially used the ghdl version shipped with my distro (Fedora 34), when that started failing I compiled current trunk. I use the LLVM backend and the llvm-config installed is 12.0.0
Expected behaviour
Compilation success, or a proper error message if there is something wrong with my code
How to reproduce?
I created following test.vhd file:
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_bit.unsigned;
package isa is
type alu_op is (alu_abus,alu_add,alu_and,alu_neg);
type cond_op is (cond_no_jump,cond_neg,cond_zero,cond_none);
type shifter_op is (shifter_noop,shifter_left,shifter_right);
type bus_operand is ('0','1',neg_one,pc,r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9,r10,ac);
constant data_word_size : natural := 16;
subtype data_word is unsigned(data_word_size - 1 downto 0);
end package;
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_bit.all;
entity reg is
port(input : in bit_vector;
clk : in bit;
rst : in bit := '1';
output : out bit_vector);
end entity;
architecture behaviour of reg is
signal mem : bit_vector(input'RANGE);
changes : process (clk,rst) is
if rst = '0' then
mem <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
mem <= input;
end if;
end process;
output <= mem;
end architecture;
library ieee;
use work.isa.all;
entity register_bank is
port(s_result : in data_word;
s_select, b_select, a_select : in bus_operand;
clk, write_enable : in bit;
rst : in bit := '1';
a_out, b_out : out data_word);
end entity;
architecture behavioural of register_bank is
type reg_clocks_t is array (r0 to ac) of bit;
signal reg_clocks: reg_clocks_t;
subtype bv is bit_vector(data_word'RANGE);
type reg_outputs_t is array (r0 to ac) of bv;
signal reg_outputs: reg_outputs_t;
registers : for i in r0 to ac generate
reg : entity work.reg
port map(input => bv(s_result),
clk => reg_clocks(i),
rst => rst,
output => reg_outputs(i));
end generate;
read_process : process (b_select, a_select, clk, rst) is
procedure assign(signal bus_out : out data_word; reg_select : bus_operand) is
case reg_select is
-- pc is currently undocumented
when '0' | pc => bus_out <= (others => '0');
when '1' => bus_out <= (0 => '1',others => '0');
when neg_one => bus_out <= (others => '1');
when others =>
bus_out <= data_word(reg_outputs(reg_select));
end case;
end procedure;
assign(a_out, a_select);
assign(b_out, b_select);
end process;
write_process : process (s_select, clk, write_enable) is
variable enable : bit;
for i in r0 to ac loop
if i = s_select then
enable := '1';
enable := '0';
end if;
reg_clocks(i) <= clk and write_enable and enable;
end loop;
end process;
end architecture;
I was trying to compile a testbench of mine. I initially used the ghdl version shipped with my distro (Fedora 34), when that started failing I compiled current trunk. I use the LLVM backend and the llvm-config installed is 12.0.0
Expected behaviour
Compilation success, or a proper error message if there is something wrong with my code
How to reproduce? I created following
file:It is the combination of the files isa.vhd, reg.vhd and register_bank.vhd from a project of mine: https://github.com/zero9178/Micro16/tree/b74862ee43270620fb98e9f85c8b081a3f330d31
For compilation I used
ghdl-llvm -a test.vhd
is a symlink to the just compiledghdl
with the llvm backend.Context Please, provide the following information:
If a
GHDL Bug occurred
block is shown in the log, please paste it here: