gheber / kenzo

A repackaged version of the Kenzo program by Francis Sergeraert and collaborators.
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CS-HAT-U-T test fails. #108

Closed gheber closed 8 years ago

gheber commented 8 years ago

CS-HAT-U-T []:

(CAT:? C (CAT:? C (+ 5 ABAR-DEGR) GNRT))

evaluated to

----------------------------------------------------------------------{CMBN 12}
<-1 * <TnPr <TnPr <<GBar<- (1 2)><- (3)><- NIL>>> (4 5)> <<Abar[2 (1)][2 (0)][3 (-1 -1)]>>>>

which does not satisfy



gheber commented 8 years ago

This error was fixed in 6e7234e.