gheber / kenzo

A repackaged version of the Kenzo program by Francis Sergeraert and collaborators.
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kenzo cannot run properly in Clozure CL #111

Closed yoyostein closed 8 years ago

yoyostein commented 8 years ago

I am using Clozure CL on Mac, tried to install kenzo using github.

I get the following error message upon trying out the first command in the documentation: (setf m23 (moore 2 3)).

Thanks for any help. I am very new to Lisp / Common Lisp.

1 > (ql:quickload :kenzo) To load "kenzo": Load 1 ASDF system: kenzo ; Loading "kenzo"

(:KENZO) 1 > (setf m23 (moore 2 3))

Error: Undefined function MOORE called with arguments (2 3) . While executing: CCL::CHEAP-EVAL-IN-ENVIRONMENT, in process Listener(4). Type cmd-/ to continue, cmd-. to abort, cmd-\ for a list of available restarts. If continued: Retry applying MOORE to (2 3). Type :? for other options.

gheber commented 8 years ago

All Kenzo functions are defined in a package called CAT. Please try (setf m23 (cat:moore 2 3)) or do a (in-package "CAT") followed by (setf m23 (moore 2 3))!

Also, I believe there's a regression in CCL 1.10. The Kenzo test suite works fine with CCL 1.9, but I've seen a lot of errors with CCL 1.10.

yoyostein commented 8 years ago

Thanks! Your suggestion worked perfectly:

1 > (in-package "CAT")

<Package "CAT">

1 > (setf m23 (moore 2 3)) [K1 Simplicial-Set]

gheber commented 8 years ago
