gheber / kenzo

A repackaged version of the Kenzo program by Francis Sergeraert and collaborators.
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Chapter 15, Out[9] #125

Open gheber opened 8 years ago

gheber commented 8 years ago

In the version currently distributed on the Kenzo web site, the object returned by (code '(0 1 2 3 4)) for example is #s(delta :cdr 31) [internal structure] but displayed as D01234, to make easier the interpretation. An external display as (DELT . 31) corresponds to the old format of a delta object, a simple cons. So that all the outputs (DELT . xxx) should be updated. This comes from the difference between the files DELTA.CL distributed on the Kenzo web site with respect to DELTA.LISPin GitHub. What can be done to clarify the coherence of these objects?