ghedipunk / PHP-Websockets

A Websockets server written in PHP.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
917 stars 375 forks source link

Made websockets.php compatible with PHP8 #131

Open jplevene opened 3 years ago

jplevene commented 3 years ago


//require_once('./daemonize.php'); require_once('users.php');

abstract class WebSocketServer {

protected $userClass = 'WebSocketUser'; // redefine this if you want a custom user class.  The custom user class should inherit from WebSocketUser.
protected $maxBufferSize;        
protected $master;
protected $sockets                              = array();
protected $users                                = array();
protected $heldMessages                         = array();
protected $interactive                          = true;
protected $headerOriginRequired                 = false;
protected $headerSecWebSocketProtocolRequired   = false;
protected $headerSecWebSocketExtensionsRequired = false;

function __construct($addr, $port, $bufferLength = 2048)
    $this->maxBufferSize = $bufferLength;
    $this->master = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP)  or die('Failed: socket_create()');
    socket_set_option($this->master, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1) or die('Failed: socket_option()');
    socket_bind($this->master, $addr, $port)                      or die('Failed: socket_bind()');
    socket_listen($this->master,20)                               or die('Failed: socket_listen()');
    $this->sockets['m'] = $this->master;
    $this->stdout('Server started'.PHP_EOL.'Listening on: '.$addr.':'.$port.PHP_EOL.'Master socket: '.print_r($this->master,true));

abstract protected function process($user,$message); // Called immediately when the data is recieved. 
abstract protected function connected($user);        // Called after the handshake response is sent to the client.
abstract protected function closed($user);           // Called after the connection is closed.

// Override to handle a connecting user, after the instance of the User is created, but before
// the handshake has completed.
protected function connecting($user)

protected function send($user, $message) {
  if ($user->handshake) {
    $message = $this->frame($message,$user);
    $result = @socket_write($user->socket, $message, strlen($message));
  else {
    // User has not yet performed their handshake.  Store for sending later.
    $holdingMessage = array('user' => $user, 'message' => $message);
    $this->heldMessages[] = $holdingMessage;

// Override this for any process that should happen periodically.  Will happen at least once
// per second, but possibly more often.
protected function tick()


// Core maintenance processes, such as retrying failed messages.
protected function _tick()
    // Loop message queue
    foreach ($this->heldMessages as $key => $hm)
        $found = false;
        // Loop users
        foreach ($this->users as $currentUser)
            // Is the message for a user
            if ($hm['user']->socket == $currentUser->socket)
                $found = true;
                // If we are in handshake, send the message back (no need to process)
                if ($currentUser->handshake)
                    $this->send($currentUser, $hm['message']);
        // If user no longer in the list of connected users, drop the message.
        if (!$found)

 * Main processing loop
public function run()
    // Loop forever
        // Should never happen, if sockets are empty, add the master socket
        if (empty($this->sockets))
            $this->sockets['m'] = $this->master;
        // Get all of the sockets
        $read = $this->sockets;
        // Set null values
        $write = $except = null;
        // Maintenance
        // Load the sockets
        @socket_select($read, $write, $except, 1);
        foreach ($read as $socket)
            if($socket === $this->master)
                $client = socket_accept($socket);
                if ($client === false)
                    $this->stderr('Failed: socket_accept()');
                    $this->stdout('Client connected. ' . print_r($client, true));
                $numBytes = @socket_recv($socket, $buffer, $this->maxBufferSize, 0); 
                if ($numBytes === false)
                    $sockErrNo = socket_last_error($socket);
                    switch ($sockErrNo)
                        case 102: // ENETRESET    -- Network dropped connection because of reset
                        case 103: // ECONNABORTED -- Software caused connection abort
                        case 104: // ECONNRESET   -- Connection reset by peer
                        case 108: // ESHUTDOWN    -- Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown -- probably more of an error on our part, if we're trying to write after the socket is closed.  Probably not a critical error, though.
                        case 110: // ETIMEDOUT    -- Connection timed out
                        case 111: // ECONNREFUSED -- Connection refused -- We shouldn't see this one, since we're listening... Still not a critical error.
                        case 112: // EHOSTDOWN    -- Host is down -- Again, we shouldn't see this, and again, not critical because it's just one connection and we still want to listen to/for others.
                        case 113: // EHOSTUNREACH -- No route to host
                        case 121: // EREMOTEIO    -- Rempte I/O error -- Their hard drive just blew up.
                        case 125: // ECANCELED    -- Operation canceled
                            $this->stderr('Unusual disconnect on socket ' . print_r($socket, true));
                            $this->disconnect($socket, true, $sockErrNo); // disconnect before clearing error, in case someone with their own implementation wants to check for error conditions on the socket.
                            $this->stderr('Socket error: ' . socket_strerror($sockErrNo));

                elseif ($numBytes == 0)
                    $this->stderr('Client disconnected. TCP connection lost: ' . print_r($socket, true));
                    $user = $this->getUserBySocket($socket);
                    if (!$user->handshake)
                        $tmp = str_replace("\r", '', $buffer);
                        if (strpos($tmp, "\n\n") === false )
                            continue; // If the client has not finished sending the header, then wait before sending our upgrade response.
                        $this->doHandshake($user, $buffer);
                    //split packet into frame and send it to deframe
                      $this->split_packet($numBytes,$buffer, $user);

protected function connect($socket)
    // If socket exists, setup user
        $user = new $this->userClass(uniqid('u'), $socket);
        $this->users[$user->id] = $user;
        $this->sockets[$user->id] = $socket;

protected function disconnect($socket, $triggerClosed = true, $sockErrNo = null)
    $disconnectedUser = $this->getUserBySocket($socket);

    if ($disconnectedUser !== null)

        if (array_key_exists($disconnectedUser->id, $this->sockets))

        if (!is_null($sockErrNo))

        if ($triggerClosed)
            $this->stdout('Client disconnected. '. print_r($disconnectedUser->socket, true));
          $message = $this->frame('', $disconnectedUser, 'close');
          @socket_write($disconnectedUser->socket, $message, strlen($message));

protected function doHandshake($user, $buffer)
    $magicGUID = '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11';
    $headers = array();
    $lines = explode("\n",$buffer);
    foreach ($lines as $line)
        if (strpos($line,':') !== false)
            $header = explode(':',$line,2);
            $headers[strtolower(trim($header[0]))] = trim($header[1]);
        elseif (stripos($line,'get ') !== false)
            preg_match("/GET (.*) HTTP/i", $buffer, $reqResource);
            $headers['get'] = trim($reqResource[1]);
    if (isset($headers['get']))
        $user->requestedResource = $headers['get'];
    // todo: fail the connection
        $handshakeResponse = "HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed\r\n\r\n";     

    if (!isset($headers['host']) || !$this->checkHost($headers['host']))
        $handshakeResponse = 'HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request';

    if (!isset($headers['upgrade']) || strtolower($headers['upgrade']) != 'websocket')
        $handshakeResponse = 'HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request';

    if (!isset($headers['connection']) || strpos(strtolower($headers['connection']), 'upgrade') === false)
      $handshakeResponse = 'HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request';

    if (!isset($headers['sec-websocket-key']))
        $handshakeResponse = 'HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request';

    else {

    if (!isset($headers['sec-websocket-version']) || strtolower($headers['sec-websocket-version']) != 13)
        $handshakeResponse = "HTTP/1.1 426 Upgrade Required\r\nSec-WebSocketVersion: 13";

    if (($this->headerOriginRequired && !isset($headers['origin']) ) || ($this->headerOriginRequired && !$this->checkOrigin($headers['origin'])))
        $handshakeResponse = 'HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden';

    if (($this->headerSecWebSocketProtocolRequired && !isset($headers['sec-websocket-protocol'])) || ($this->headerSecWebSocketProtocolRequired && !$this->checkWebsocProtocol($headers['sec-websocket-protocol'])))
        $handshakeResponse = 'HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request';

    if (($this->headerSecWebSocketExtensionsRequired && !isset($headers['sec-websocket-extensions'])) || ($this->headerSecWebSocketExtensionsRequired && !$this->checkWebsocExtensions($headers['sec-websocket-extensions'])))
        $handshakeResponse = 'HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request';

    // Done verifying the _required_ headers and optionally required headers.
    if (isset($handshakeResponse))

    $user->headers = $headers;
    $user->handshake = $buffer;

    $webSocketKeyHash = sha1($headers['sec-websocket-key'] . $magicGUID);

    $rawToken = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
        $rawToken .= chr(hexdec(substr($webSocketKeyHash,$i*2, 2)));
    $handshakeToken = base64_encode($rawToken) . "\r\n";

    $subProtocol = (isset($headers['sec-websocket-protocol'])) ? $this->processProtocol($headers['sec-websocket-protocol']) : "";
    $extensions = (isset($headers['sec-websocket-extensions'])) ? $this->processExtensions($headers['sec-websocket-extensions']) : "";

    $handshakeResponse = "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-WebSocket-Accept: $handshakeToken$subProtocol$extensions\r\n";

// Override and return false if the host is not one that you would expect.
// Ex: You only want to accept hosts from the domain,
// but you receive a host from instead.
protected function checkHost($hostName) {
  return true;

// Override and return false if the origin is not one that you would expect.
protected function checkOrigin($origin) {
    return true;

// Override and return false if a protocol is not found that you would expect.
protected function checkWebsocProtocol($protocol) {
  return true;

// Override and return false if an extension is not found that you would expect.
protected function checkWebsocExtensions($extensions) {
  return true;

// return either "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: SelectedProtocolFromClientList\r\n" or return an empty string.  
// The carriage return/newline combo must appear at the end of a non-empty string, and must not
// appear at the beginning of the string nor in an otherwise empty string, or it will be considered part of 
// the response body, which will trigger an error in the client as it will not be formatted correctly.
protected function processProtocol($protocol) {
  return '';

// return either "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: SelectedExtensions\r\n" or return an empty string.
protected function processExtensions($extensions) {
  return '';

protected function getUserBySocket($socket)
    foreach($this->users as $user)
        if($user->socket == $socket)
            return $user;
    return null;

public function stdout($message)
        echo "$message\n";

public function stderr($message)
    if ($this->interactive)
        echo "$message\n";

protected function frame($message, $user, $messageType='text', $messageContinues=false)
    switch ($messageType) {
        case 'continuous':
            $b1 = 0;
        case 'text':
            $b1 = ($user->sendingContinuous) ? 0 : 1;
        case 'binary':
            $b1 = ($user->sendingContinuous) ? 0 : 2;
        case 'close':
            $b1 = 8;
        case 'ping':
            $b1 = 9;
        case 'pong':
            $b1 = 10;
    if ($messageContinues)
        $user->sendingContinuous = true;
        $b1 += 128;
        $user->sendingContinuous = false;

    $length = strlen($message);
    $lengthField = '';
    if ($length < 126)
        $b2 = $length;
    elseif ($length < 65536)
        $b2 = 126;
        $hexLength = dechex($length);
        //$this->stdout("Hex Length: $hexLength");
        if (strlen($hexLength)%2 == 1)
          $hexLength = '0' . $hexLength;

        $n = strlen($hexLength) - 2;

        for ($i = $n; $i >= 0; $i=$i-2) {
          $lengthField = chr(hexdec(substr($hexLength, $i, 2))) . $lengthField;
        while (strlen($lengthField) < 2) {
          $lengthField = chr(0) . $lengthField;
        $b2 = 127;
        $hexLength = dechex($length);
        if (strlen($hexLength)%2 == 1)
          $hexLength = '0' . $hexLength;

        $n = strlen($hexLength) - 2;

        for ($i = $n; $i >= 0; $i=$i-2) {
          $lengthField = chr(hexdec(substr($hexLength, $i, 2))) . $lengthField;
        while (strlen($lengthField) < 8) {
          $lengthField = chr(0).$lengthField;

    return chr($b1).chr($b2).$lengthField.$message;

//check packet if he have more than one frame and process each frame individually
protected function split_packet($length,$packet, $user)
    //add PartialPacket and calculate the new $length
    if ($user->handlingPartialPacket)
        $packet = $user->partialBuffer.$packet;
        $user->handlingPartialPacket = false;
        $length = strlen($packet);
    $fullpacket = $packet;
    $frame_pos = 0;
    $frame_id = 1;

        $headers = $this->extractHeaders($packet);
        $headers_size = $this->calcoffset($headers);
        $framesize = $headers['length']+$headers_size;

        //split frame from packet and process it

        if (($message = $this->deframe($frame, $user,$headers)) !== false)
            if ($user->hasSentClose)
                if ((preg_match('//u', $message)) || ($headers['opcode']==2))
                    //$this->stdout("Text msg encoded UTF-8 or Binary msg\n".$message); 
                    $this->process($user, $message);
                  $this->stderr("not UTF-8\n");
        //get the new position also modify packet data
        $frame_pos += $framesize;
        $packet = substr($fullpacket,$frame_pos);

protected function calcoffset($headers)
    $offset = 2;
    if ($headers['hasmask'])
      $offset += 4;

    if ($headers['length'] > 65535)
      $offset += 8;
    elseif ($headers['length'] > 125)
      $offset += 2;

    return $offset;

protected function deframe($message, &$user)
    //echo $this->strtohex($message);
    $headers = $this->extractHeaders($message);
    $pongReply = false;
    $willClose = false;
    switch($headers['opcode']) {
        case 0:
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 8:
            // todo: close the connection
            $user->hasSentClose = true;
            return '';
        case 9:
            $pongReply = true;
        case 10:
            //$this->disconnect($user); // todo: fail connection
            $willClose = true;

    /* Deal by split_packet() as now deframe() do only one frame at a time.
    if ($user->handlingPartialPacket) {
      $message = $user->partialBuffer . $message;
      $user->handlingPartialPacket = false;
      return $this->deframe($message, $user);

        return false;

    if($willClose) {
      // todo: fail the connection
      return false;

    $payload = $user->partialMessage . $this->extractPayload($message,$headers);

        $reply = $this->frame($payload,$user,'pong');
        return false;
    if ($headers['length'] > strlen($this->applyMask($headers,$payload)))
        $user->handlingPartialPacket = true;
        $user->partialBuffer = $message;
        return false;

    $payload = $this->applyMask($headers,$payload);

    if ($headers['fin'])
        $user->partialMessage = '';
        return $payload;
    $user->partialMessage = $payload;
    return false;

protected function extractHeaders($message)
    $header = array(
        'fin'     => $message[0] & chr(128),
        'rsv1'    => $message[0] & chr(64),
        'rsv2'    => $message[0] & chr(32),
        'rsv3'    => $message[0] & chr(16),
        'opcode'  => ord($message[0]) & 15,
        'hasmask' => $message[1] & chr(128),
        'length'  => 0,
        'mask'    => ''
    $header['length'] = (ord($message[1]) >= 128) ? ord($message[1]) - 128 : ord($message[1]);

    if($header['length'] == 126)
        if ($header['hasmask'])
            $header['mask'] = $message[4] . $message[5] . $message[6] . $message[7];

        $header['length'] = ord($message[2]) * 256 
                         + ord($message[3]);
    elseif($header['length'] == 127)
        if ($header['hasmask'])
            $header['mask'] = $message[10] . $message[11] . $message[12] . $message[13];

        $header['length'] = ord($message[2]) * 65536 * 65536 * 65536 * 256 
                + ord($message[3]) * 65536 * 65536 * 65536
                + ord($message[4]) * 65536 * 65536 * 256
                + ord($message[5]) * 65536 * 65536
                + ord($message[6]) * 65536 * 256
                + ord($message[7]) * 65536 
                + ord($message[8]) * 256
                + ord($message[9]);
        $header['mask'] = $message[2] . $message[3] . $message[4] . $message[5];

    //echo $this->strtohex($message);
    return $header;

protected function extractPayload($message,$headers)
    $offset = 2;
    if ($headers['hasmask'])
        $offset += 4;

    if ($headers['length'] > 65535)
        $offset += 8;

    elseif ($headers['length'] > 125)
        $offset += 2;

    return substr($message, $offset);

protected function applyMask($headers,$payload)
    $effectiveMask = '';
        $mask = $headers['mask'];
        return $payload;

    while(strlen($effectiveMask) < strlen($payload)) {
      $effectiveMask .= $mask;
    while(strlen($effectiveMask) > strlen($payload)) {
      $effectiveMask = substr($effectiveMask,0,-1);
    return $effectiveMask ^ $payload;

// override this method if you are using an extension where the RSV bits are used.
protected function checkRSVBits($headers,$user)
    if(ord($headers['rsv1']) + ord($headers['rsv2']) + ord($headers['rsv3']) > 0) {
      //$this->disconnect($user); // todo: fail connection
      return true;
    return false;

protected function strtohex($str)
    $strout = '';
    for($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++)
        $strout .= (ord($str[$i])<16) ? '0' . dechex(ord($str[$i])) : dechex(ord($str[$i]));
        $strout .= " ";
        if($i%32 == 7)
            $strout .= ": ";

        if ($i%32 == 15)
            $strout .= ': ';

        if ($i%32 == 23)
            $strout .= ': ';

        if ($i%32 == 31)
            $strout .= "\n";

    return $strout . "\n";

protected function printHeaders($headers)
    echo "Array\n(\n";
    foreach ($headers as $key => $value)
        if ($key == 'length' || $key == 'opcode')
            echo "\t[$key] => $value\n\n";
            echo "\t[$key] => ".$this->strtohex($value)."\n";
    echo ")\n";

} ?>`

mdrmdrmdr commented 3 years ago

Instead of for example: print_r($this->master,true) you might use: spl_object_id($this->master)

jplevene commented 3 years ago

Agreed, I changed to spl_object_id. Had print_r in for debugging.


//require_once('./daemonize.php'); require_once('users.php');

abstract class WebSocketServer {

protected $userClass = 'WebSocketUser'; // redefine this if you want a custom user class.  The custom user class should inherit from WebSocketUser.
protected $maxBufferSize;        
protected $master;
protected $sockets                              = array();
protected $users                                = array();
protected $heldMessages                         = array();
protected $interactive                          = true;
protected $headerOriginRequired                 = false;
protected $headerSecWebSocketProtocolRequired   = false;
protected $headerSecWebSocketExtensionsRequired = false;

function __construct($addr, $port, $bufferLength = 2048)
    $this->maxBufferSize = $bufferLength;
    $this->master = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP)  or die('Failed: socket_create()');
    socket_set_option($this->master, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1) or die('Failed: socket_option()');
    socket_bind($this->master, $addr, $port)                      or die('Failed: socket_bind()');
    socket_listen($this->master,20)                               or die('Failed: socket_listen()');
    $this->sockets['m'] = $this->master;
    $this->stdout('Server started'.PHP_EOL.'Listening on: '.$addr.':'.$port.PHP_EOL.'Master socket: ' . strval(spl_object_id($this->master)) );

abstract protected function process($user,$message); // Called immediately when the data is recieved. 
abstract protected function connected($user);        // Called after the handshake response is sent to the client.
abstract protected function closed($user);           // Called after the connection is closed.

// Override to handle a connecting user, after the instance of the User is created, but before
// the handshake has completed.
protected function connecting($user)

protected function send($user, $message) {
  if ($user->handshake) {
    $message = $this->frame($message,$user);
    $result = @socket_write($user->socket, $message, strlen($message));
  else {
    // User has not yet performed their handshake.  Store for sending later.
    $holdingMessage = array('user' => $user, 'message' => $message);
    $this->heldMessages[] = $holdingMessage;

// Override this for any process that should happen periodically.  Will happen at least once
// per second, but possibly more often.
protected function tick()


// Core maintenance processes, such as retrying failed messages.
protected function _tick()
    // Loop message queue
    foreach ($this->heldMessages as $key => $hm)
        $found = false;
        // Loop users
        foreach ($this->users as $currentUser)
            // Is the message for a user
            if ($hm['user']->socket == $currentUser->socket)
                $found = true;
                // If we are in handshake, send the message back (no need to process)
                if ($currentUser->handshake)
                    $this->send($currentUser, $hm['message']);
        // If user no longer in the list of connected users, drop the message.
        if (!$found)

 * Main processing loop
public function run()
    // Loop forever
        // Should never happen, if sockets are empty, add the master socket
        if (empty($this->sockets))
            $this->sockets['m'] = $this->master;
        // Get all of the sockets
        $read = $this->sockets;
        // Set null values
        $write = $except = null;
        // Maintenance
        // Load the sockets
        @socket_select($read, $write, $except, 1);
        foreach ($read as $socket)
            if($socket === $this->master)
                $client = socket_accept($socket);
                if ($client === false)
                    $this->stderr('Failed: socket_accept()');
                    $this->stdout('Client connected. ' . strval(spl_object_id($client)) );
                $numBytes = @socket_recv($socket, $buffer, $this->maxBufferSize, 0); 
                if ($numBytes === false)
                    $sockErrNo = socket_last_error($socket);
                    switch ($sockErrNo)
                        case 102: // ENETRESET    -- Network dropped connection because of reset
                        case 103: // ECONNABORTED -- Software caused connection abort
                        case 104: // ECONNRESET   -- Connection reset by peer
                        case 108: // ESHUTDOWN    -- Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown -- probably more of an error on our part, if we're trying to write after the socket is closed.  Probably not a critical error, though.
                        case 110: // ETIMEDOUT    -- Connection timed out
                        case 111: // ECONNREFUSED -- Connection refused -- We shouldn't see this one, since we're listening... Still not a critical error.
                        case 112: // EHOSTDOWN    -- Host is down -- Again, we shouldn't see this, and again, not critical because it's just one connection and we still want to listen to/for others.
                        case 113: // EHOSTUNREACH -- No route to host
                        case 121: // EREMOTEIO    -- Rempte I/O error -- Their hard drive just blew up.
                        case 125: // ECANCELED    -- Operation canceled
                            $this->stderr('Unusual disconnect on socket ' . strval(spl_object_id($socket)) );
                            $this->disconnect($socket, true, $sockErrNo); // disconnect before clearing error, in case someone with their own implementation wants to check for error conditions on the socket.
                            $this->stderr('Socket error: ' . socket_strerror($sockErrNo));

                elseif ($numBytes == 0)
                    $this->stderr('Client disconnected. TCP connection lost: ' . strval(spl_object_id($socket)) );
                    $user = $this->getUserBySocket($socket);
                    if (!$user->handshake)
                        $tmp = str_replace("\r", '', $buffer);
                        if (strpos($tmp, "\n\n") === false )
                            continue; // If the client has not finished sending the header, then wait before sending our upgrade response.
                        $this->doHandshake($user, $buffer);
                    //split packet into frame and send it to deframe
                      $this->split_packet($numBytes,$buffer, $user);

protected function connect($socket)
    // If socket exists, setup user
        $user = new $this->userClass(uniqid('u'), $socket);
        $this->users[$user->id] = $user;
        $this->sockets[$user->id] = $socket;

protected function disconnect($socket, $triggerClosed = true, $sockErrNo = null)
    $disconnectedUser = $this->getUserBySocket($socket);

    if ($disconnectedUser !== null)

        if (array_key_exists($disconnectedUser->id, $this->sockets))

        if (!is_null($sockErrNo))

        if ($triggerClosed)
            $this->stdout('Client disconnected. '. strval(spl_object_id($disconnectedUser->socket)) );
          $message = $this->frame('', $disconnectedUser, 'close');
          @socket_write($disconnectedUser->socket, $message, strlen($message));

protected function doHandshake($user, $buffer)
    $magicGUID = '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11';
    $headers = array();
    $lines = explode("\n",$buffer);
    foreach ($lines as $line)
        if (strpos($line,':') !== false)
            $header = explode(':',$line,2);
            $headers[strtolower(trim($header[0]))] = trim($header[1]);
        elseif (stripos($line,'get ') !== false)
            preg_match("/GET (.*) HTTP/i", $buffer, $reqResource);
            $headers['get'] = trim($reqResource[1]);
    if (isset($headers['get']))
        $user->requestedResource = $headers['get'];
    // todo: fail the connection
        $handshakeResponse = "HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed\r\n\r\n";     

    if (!isset($headers['host']) || !$this->checkHost($headers['host']))
        $handshakeResponse = 'HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request';

    if (!isset($headers['upgrade']) || strtolower($headers['upgrade']) != 'websocket')
        $handshakeResponse = 'HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request';

    if (!isset($headers['connection']) || strpos(strtolower($headers['connection']), 'upgrade') === false)
      $handshakeResponse = 'HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request';

    if (!isset($headers['sec-websocket-key']))
        $handshakeResponse = 'HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request';

    else {

    if (!isset($headers['sec-websocket-version']) || strtolower($headers['sec-websocket-version']) != 13)
        $handshakeResponse = "HTTP/1.1 426 Upgrade Required\r\nSec-WebSocketVersion: 13";

    if (($this->headerOriginRequired && !isset($headers['origin']) ) || ($this->headerOriginRequired && !$this->checkOrigin($headers['origin'])))
        $handshakeResponse = 'HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden';

    if (($this->headerSecWebSocketProtocolRequired && !isset($headers['sec-websocket-protocol'])) || ($this->headerSecWebSocketProtocolRequired && !$this->checkWebsocProtocol($headers['sec-websocket-protocol'])))
        $handshakeResponse = 'HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request';

    if (($this->headerSecWebSocketExtensionsRequired && !isset($headers['sec-websocket-extensions'])) || ($this->headerSecWebSocketExtensionsRequired && !$this->checkWebsocExtensions($headers['sec-websocket-extensions'])))
        $handshakeResponse = 'HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request';

    // Done verifying the _required_ headers and optionally required headers.
    if (isset($handshakeResponse))

    $user->headers = $headers;
    $user->handshake = $buffer;

    $webSocketKeyHash = sha1($headers['sec-websocket-key'] . $magicGUID);

    $rawToken = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
        $rawToken .= chr(hexdec(substr($webSocketKeyHash,$i*2, 2)));
    $handshakeToken = base64_encode($rawToken) . "\r\n";

    $subProtocol = (isset($headers['sec-websocket-protocol'])) ? $this->processProtocol($headers['sec-websocket-protocol']) : "";
    $extensions = (isset($headers['sec-websocket-extensions'])) ? $this->processExtensions($headers['sec-websocket-extensions']) : "";

    $handshakeResponse = "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nSec-WebSocket-Accept: $handshakeToken$subProtocol$extensions\r\n";

// Override and return false if the host is not one that you would expect.
// Ex: You only want to accept hosts from the domain,
// but you receive a host from instead.
protected function checkHost($hostName) {
  return true;

// Override and return false if the origin is not one that you would expect.
protected function checkOrigin($origin) {
    return true;

// Override and return false if a protocol is not found that you would expect.
protected function checkWebsocProtocol($protocol) {
  return true;

// Override and return false if an extension is not found that you would expect.
protected function checkWebsocExtensions($extensions) {
  return true;

// return either "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: SelectedProtocolFromClientList\r\n" or return an empty string.  
// The carriage return/newline combo must appear at the end of a non-empty string, and must not
// appear at the beginning of the string nor in an otherwise empty string, or it will be considered part of 
// the response body, which will trigger an error in the client as it will not be formatted correctly.
protected function processProtocol($protocol) {
  return '';

// return either "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: SelectedExtensions\r\n" or return an empty string.
protected function processExtensions($extensions) {
  return '';

protected function getUserBySocket($socket)
    foreach($this->users as $user)
        if($user->socket == $socket)
            return $user;
    return null;

public function stdout($message)
        echo "$message\n";

public function stderr($message)
    if ($this->interactive)
        echo "$message\n";

protected function frame($message, $user, $messageType='text', $messageContinues=false)
    switch ($messageType) {
        case 'continuous':
            $b1 = 0;
        case 'text':
            $b1 = ($user->sendingContinuous) ? 0 : 1;
        case 'binary':
            $b1 = ($user->sendingContinuous) ? 0 : 2;
        case 'close':
            $b1 = 8;
        case 'ping':
            $b1 = 9;
        case 'pong':
            $b1 = 10;
    if ($messageContinues)
        $user->sendingContinuous = true;
        $b1 += 128;
        $user->sendingContinuous = false;

    $length = strlen($message);
    $lengthField = '';
    if ($length < 126)
        $b2 = $length;
    elseif ($length < 65536)
        $b2 = 126;
        $hexLength = dechex($length);
        //$this->stdout("Hex Length: $hexLength");
        if (strlen($hexLength)%2 == 1)
          $hexLength = '0' . $hexLength;

        $n = strlen($hexLength) - 2;

        for ($i = $n; $i >= 0; $i=$i-2) {
          $lengthField = chr(hexdec(substr($hexLength, $i, 2))) . $lengthField;
        while (strlen($lengthField) < 2) {
          $lengthField = chr(0) . $lengthField;
        $b2 = 127;
        $hexLength = dechex($length);
        if (strlen($hexLength)%2 == 1)
          $hexLength = '0' . $hexLength;

        $n = strlen($hexLength) - 2;

        for ($i = $n; $i >= 0; $i=$i-2) {
          $lengthField = chr(hexdec(substr($hexLength, $i, 2))) . $lengthField;
        while (strlen($lengthField) < 8) {
          $lengthField = chr(0).$lengthField;

    return chr($b1).chr($b2).$lengthField.$message;

//check packet if he have more than one frame and process each frame individually
protected function split_packet($length,$packet, $user)
    //add PartialPacket and calculate the new $length
    if ($user->handlingPartialPacket)
        $packet = $user->partialBuffer.$packet;
        $user->handlingPartialPacket = false;
        $length = strlen($packet);
    $fullpacket = $packet;
    $frame_pos = 0;
    $frame_id = 1;

        $headers = $this->extractHeaders($packet);
        $headers_size = $this->calcoffset($headers);
        $framesize = $headers['length']+$headers_size;

        //split frame from packet and process it

        if (($message = $this->deframe($frame, $user,$headers)) !== false)
            if ($user->hasSentClose)
                if ((preg_match('//u', $message)) || ($headers['opcode']==2))
                    //$this->stdout("Text msg encoded UTF-8 or Binary msg\n".$message); 
                    $this->process($user, $message);
                  $this->stderr("not UTF-8\n");
        //get the new position also modify packet data
        $frame_pos += $framesize;
        $packet = substr($fullpacket,$frame_pos);

protected function calcoffset($headers)
    $offset = 2;
    if ($headers['hasmask'])
      $offset += 4;

    if ($headers['length'] > 65535)
      $offset += 8;
    elseif ($headers['length'] > 125)
      $offset += 2;

    return $offset;

protected function deframe($message, &$user)
    //echo $this->strtohex($message);
    $headers = $this->extractHeaders($message);
    $pongReply = false;
    $willClose = false;
    switch($headers['opcode']) {
        case 0:
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 8:
            // todo: close the connection
            $user->hasSentClose = true;
            return '';
        case 9:
            $pongReply = true;
        case 10:
            //$this->disconnect($user); // todo: fail connection
            $willClose = true;

    /* Deal by split_packet() as now deframe() do only one frame at a time.
    if ($user->handlingPartialPacket) {
      $message = $user->partialBuffer . $message;
      $user->handlingPartialPacket = false;
      return $this->deframe($message, $user);

        return false;

    if($willClose) {
      // todo: fail the connection
      return false;

    $payload = $user->partialMessage . $this->extractPayload($message,$headers);

        $reply = $this->frame($payload,$user,'pong');
        return false;
    if ($headers['length'] > strlen($this->applyMask($headers,$payload)))
        $user->handlingPartialPacket = true;
        $user->partialBuffer = $message;
        return false;

    $payload = $this->applyMask($headers,$payload);

    if ($headers['fin'])
        $user->partialMessage = '';
        return $payload;
    $user->partialMessage = $payload;
    return false;

protected function extractHeaders($message)
    $header = array(
        'fin'     => $message[0] & chr(128),
        'rsv1'    => $message[0] & chr(64),
        'rsv2'    => $message[0] & chr(32),
        'rsv3'    => $message[0] & chr(16),
        'opcode'  => ord($message[0]) & 15,
        'hasmask' => $message[1] & chr(128),
        'length'  => 0,
        'mask'    => ''
    $header['length'] = (ord($message[1]) >= 128) ? ord($message[1]) - 128 : ord($message[1]);

    if($header['length'] == 126)
        if ($header['hasmask'])
            $header['mask'] = $message[4] . $message[5] . $message[6] . $message[7];

        $header['length'] = ord($message[2]) * 256 
                         + ord($message[3]);
    elseif($header['length'] == 127)
        if ($header['hasmask'])
            $header['mask'] = $message[10] . $message[11] . $message[12] . $message[13];

        $header['length'] = ord($message[2]) * 65536 * 65536 * 65536 * 256 
                + ord($message[3]) * 65536 * 65536 * 65536
                + ord($message[4]) * 65536 * 65536 * 256
                + ord($message[5]) * 65536 * 65536
                + ord($message[6]) * 65536 * 256
                + ord($message[7]) * 65536 
                + ord($message[8]) * 256
                + ord($message[9]);
        $header['mask'] = $message[2] . $message[3] . $message[4] . $message[5];

    //echo $this->strtohex($message);
    return $header;

protected function extractPayload($message,$headers)
    $offset = 2;
    if ($headers['hasmask'])
        $offset += 4;

    if ($headers['length'] > 65535)
        $offset += 8;

    elseif ($headers['length'] > 125)
        $offset += 2;

    return substr($message, $offset);

protected function applyMask($headers,$payload)
    $effectiveMask = '';
        $mask = $headers['mask'];
        return $payload;

    while(strlen($effectiveMask) < strlen($payload)) {
      $effectiveMask .= $mask;
    while(strlen($effectiveMask) > strlen($payload)) {
      $effectiveMask = substr($effectiveMask,0,-1);
    return $effectiveMask ^ $payload;

// override this method if you are using an extension where the RSV bits are used.
protected function checkRSVBits($headers,$user)
    if(ord($headers['rsv1']) + ord($headers['rsv2']) + ord($headers['rsv3']) > 0) {
      //$this->disconnect($user); // todo: fail connection
      return true;
    return false;

protected function strtohex($str)
    $strout = '';
    for($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++)
        $strout .= (ord($str[$i])<16) ? '0' . dechex(ord($str[$i])) : dechex(ord($str[$i]));
        $strout .= " ";
        if($i%32 == 7)
            $strout .= ": ";

        if ($i%32 == 15)
            $strout .= ': ';

        if ($i%32 == 23)
            $strout .= ': ';

        if ($i%32 == 31)
            $strout .= "\n";

    return $strout . "\n";

protected function printHeaders($headers)
    echo "Array\n(\n";
    foreach ($headers as $key => $value)
        if ($key == 'length' || $key == 'opcode')
            echo "\t[$key] => $value\n\n";
            echo "\t[$key] => ".$this->strtohex($value)."\n";
    echo ")\n";

} ?>`

jplevene commented 3 years ago

Getting problems with this on PHP 8, in that suddenly connections start dropping and won't reconnect.

jacksnodgrass commented 2 years ago

thanks for this update

sirzifnab commented 2 years ago

thank you

XRinduDendam commented 3 months ago

PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WebSocketUser::$requestedResource is deprecated in websockets.php on line 235 PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property PHPWebSockets::$user is deprecated in on line 180