gheeres / node-activedirectory

ActiveDirectory is an Node.js ldapjs client for authN (authentication) and authZ (authorization) for Microsoft Active Directory with range retrieval support for large Active Directory installations.
MIT License
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sizeLimit don't working #124

Open Damassk opened 8 years ago

Damassk commented 8 years ago

On my ActiveDirectory server set MaxPageLimit to 2500 and command 'ldapsearch' confirmed this value. I have 2433 user in AD. But when I'm trying to get all users from AD, the most get only 1,000. I'm tried use paging, sizeLimit and pageSize param, but I have no changes. My code:

var ad = new ActiveDirectory(config);
        var query = {
            filter: '(&(!(sAMAccountName=*_envtest))(objectClass=User))',
            //paging: true,
            //sizeLimit: 2500,
            paging: {
                pageSize: 2500
        ad.findUsers(query, false, function(err, users) {
        // TODO
Damassk commented 8 years ago

I fix this problem add sizeLimit params to lib/activedirectory.js My fix:

var sizeLimit = opts.sizeLimit || defaultPageSize;
  // Add paging results control by default if not already added.
  if (!_.any(controls, function(control) { return(control instanceof ldap.PagedResultsControl); })) {
    log.debug('Adding PagedResultControl to search (%s) with filter "%s" for %j',
              baseDN, truncateLogOutput(opts.filter), _.any(opts.attributes) ? opts.attributes : '[*]');
    controls.push(new ldap.PagedResultsControl({ value: { size: sizeLimit } }));
jsumners commented 8 years ago

@Damassk would you be up for testing this against my es2015 branch? I'd like to know if the bug still persists as you understand it.

fjuarez67 commented 8 years ago

Is this bug fixed? I am seeing the same issue. Only getting 1000 records when the AD server is set to 5000 limit..

gheeres commented 8 years ago

Please apply the patch / change that Damassk specified and get back to us on your results. If confirmed, I can merge those changes and publish and updated version.

fjuarez67 commented 8 years ago

Tried both: 1) set the defaulPageSize to 5000. That worked.. 2) applied the patch from Damassk ( code above) that also worked.


oceddi commented 8 years ago

I'm also seeing this bug.