ghen-git / Thirst-Mod

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Compatiblty with Enhanced Visuals #17

Open Blunder-G opened 1 year ago

Blunder-G commented 1 year ago

Enhanced Visuals overhouls player effects and supports Tough As Nails' thirst mechanic. When thirst lowers down to 3-4 bars, screen gets sharper. I think Enhanced Visuals can also supports Thirst Was Taken

Thank you for 1.19.2 port <3

Blunder-G commented 1 year ago

CreativeMD commented 2 months ago

Hey there,

I'm the author of EnhancedVisuals. Would it be possible to save the current thirst level to player.getPersistentData()? The mod survive for example does it. I can get the thirst level like so player.getPersistentData().getCompound("survive:PlayerData").getCompound("WaterStats").getInt("waterLevel"). That way I do not have to include any classes of the other mod. Would be very happy to support this mod in the same way.