ghen-git / Thirst-Mod

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[Suggestion] Default compat with various mods #49

Open Catomax262 opened 10 months ago

Catomax262 commented 10 months ago

Please, i need a compat with these mods because of these reasons:

Honestly adding new items via Datapacks seems kind of bland considering you HAVE to manually install them along with the mod resources (generates horrible lag)

Catomax262 commented 8 months ago

Also, some sort of late-game canteen would suit well, needed for nether trips, because BOY does the thirst deplete like crazy in there

leftbones commented 7 months ago

Cold Sweat has waterskins that are crafted with leather and string, it would be awesome to have compatibility with this

Edit: I'm not sure if there's any existing compatibility but I noticed the waterskins can't be filled with cauldrons

Edit 2: I am now realizing the waterskins in Cold Sweat aren't even for drinking they're for temperature control, I am an idiot

Octelly commented 5 months ago

Started out my ATM9 playthrough with this mod added and no compat with Croptopia is making things progressively more difficult :(

Jophire commented 3 months ago

Some tags with default values would also go a long way to making it easy to add items through datapacks. The config is nice, but its starting to look a bit messy with how long the list is getting.

Something like: very_dehydrating(-15), dehydrating(-10), slightly_dehydrating(-5), slightly_hydrating(+5), hydrating(+10), very_hydrating(+15). very_parching(-24), parching(-16), slightly_parching(-8), slightly_quenching(+8), quenching(+16), very_quenching(+24).

Values to be modified of course.

This also means you would be able to search for food and drink items based off of the tag.

Examples will be added as I think of them.

Cinnamon Powder: very_parching (Would also make for a funny advancement in the datapack.) Salt Water: slightly_dehydrating, quenching Sports Drink: very_hydrating, quenching